module Data.Int.Divisible where
Divisibility of integers🔗
We define what it means for an integer to be divisible by a natural number, as a straightforward generalisation of the case for natural numbers.
_∣ℤ_ : Nat → Int → Type zero ∣ℤ y = y ≡ 0 suc x ∣ℤ y = fibre (_*ℤ possuc x) y infix 7 _∣ℤ_ ∣ℤ-is-prop : ∀ x y → is-prop (x ∣ℤ y) ∣ℤ-is-prop zero y n k = prop! ∣ℤ-is-prop (suc x) y (n , p) (n' , q) = Σ-prop-path! (*ℤ-injectiver-possuc x n n' (p ∙ sym q)) ∣ℤ-is-truncation : ∀ {x y} → (x ∣ℤ y) ≃ ∥ fibre (_*ℤ pos x) y ∥ ∣ℤ-is-truncation {zero} {y} = prop-ext! (λ p → inc (y , *ℤ-zeror y ∙ sym p)) (rec! λ x p → sym p ∙ *ℤ-zeror x ) ∣ℤ-is-truncation {suc x} {y} = is-prop≃equiv∥-∥ (∣ℤ-is-prop (suc x) y) ∣ℤ→fibre : ∀ {x y} → x ∣ℤ y → fibre (_*ℤ pos x) y ∣ℤ→fibre {zero} wit = 0 , sym wit ∣ℤ→fibre {suc x} wit = wit fibre→∣ℤ : ∀ {x y} → fibre (_*ℤ pos x) y → x ∣ℤ y fibre→∣ℤ f = Equiv.from ∣ℤ-is-truncation (inc f) dividesℤ : ∀ {x y} (q : Int) → q *ℤ pos x ≡ y → x ∣ℤ y dividesℤ x p = fibre→∣ℤ (x , p) ∣ℤ-zero : ∀ {x} → x ∣ℤ 0 ∣ℤ-zero = dividesℤ 0 refl ∣ℤ-one : ∀ {x} → 1 ∣ℤ x ∣ℤ-one {x} = dividesℤ x (*ℤ-oner x) m∣ℤsn→m≤sn : ∀ {x y} → ¬ (y ≡ 0) → x ∣ℤ y → x Nat.≤ abs y m∣ℤsn→m≤sn {x} {y} nz p with ∣ℤ→fibre p ... | posz , p = absurd (nz (sym p)) ... | possuc k , p = difference→≤ (k * x) (ap abs (sym (assign-pos (x + k * x))) ∙ ap abs p) ... | negsuc k , p = difference→≤ (k * x) (sym (abs-negℤ (pos (x + k * x))) ∙ ap abs (sym (assign-neg (x + k * x))) ∙ ap abs p) ∣ℤ-+ : ∀ {k n m} → k ∣ℤ n → k ∣ℤ m → k ∣ℤ (n +ℤ m) ∣ℤ-+ {zero} {n} {m} p q = ap₂ _+ℤ_ p q ∣ℤ-+ {suc k} (x , p) (y , q) = x +ℤ y , *ℤ-distribr (possuc k) x y ∙ ap₂ _+ℤ_ p q ∣ℤ-negℤ : ∀ {k n} → k ∣ℤ n → k ∣ℤ negℤ n ∣ℤ-negℤ {zero} d = ap negℤ d ∣ℤ-negℤ {suc k} (x , p) = negℤ x , *ℤ-negl x _ ∙ ap negℤ p