module Data.Fin.Finite.Listed where
Finite types through listsđ
We have defined finiteness (and finite indexing) for a type in terms of its relationship with a specific standard finite set However, this is not always the most convenient presentation of finiteness. Itâs often desirable to have an actual list of purported elements, which can be manipulated using the usual toolkit for working on lists.
To this end, we define a listing for a type to consist of a list which contains every element of at least once. The type-theoretic interpretation of âcontains at least onceâ is up for debate: it could either mean that we have an operation assigning each element of to its index in or that we have the weaker which only merely gets us an index.
record Listing {â} (A : Type â) : Type â where field members : List A has-member : â a â â„ a ââ members â„
Our choice is the latter, and the reason is twofold: First, this corresponds directly to the notion of finite cover, which means that having a listing will be equivalent to being finitely indexed, as desired.
listingâfinite-cover : Listing A â Finite-cover A listingâfinite-cover l = record { cover = l .members !_ ; is-cover = λ x â elementâ!-fibre <$> l .has-member x } finite-coverâlisting : Finite-cover A â Listing A finite-coverâlisting (covering f has) = record { members = tabulate f ; has-member = λ a â Equiv.from (member-tabulate f a) <$> has a }
The second motivation has to do with identity of listings: we want to regard listings as the same precisely when their underlying lists are the same. However, if the assignment of indices were not truncated, it would also factor identity of listings: we could regard as a listing for the unit type in two different ways, depending on whether we give back the index 0 or the index 1.
Refining the notion of listing, we have enumerations: in a listing, each element appears at least once, but it may appear an arbitrary number of times. In an enumeration, each element is required to appear exactly once. To state this in a coherent way, we demand that, for each the type of proofs-of-membership be contractible.
record Enumeration {â} (A : Type â) : Type â where field members : List A has-member : â a â is-contr (a ââ members)
Unsurprisingly, much like a listing corresponds to a surjection an enumeration corresponds to an equivalence
enumerationâfin-equiv : (l : Enumeration A) â Fin (length (l .members)) â A enumerationâfin-equiv l .fst a = l .members ! a enumerationâfin-equiv l .snd .is-eqv a = Equivâis-hlevel 0 (Equiv.inverse elementâ!-fibre) (l .has-member a) fin-equivâenumeration : â {n} â Fin n â A â Enumeration A fin-equivâenumeration (fn , eqv) = record { members = tabulate fn ; has-member = λ a â Equivâis-hlevel 0 (member-tabulate fn a) (eqv .is-eqv a) }
enumerationâfinite : Enumeration A â Finite A enumerationâfinite l = fin (pure (Equiv.inverse (enumerationâfin-equiv l)))
For discrete typesđ
An important theorem about finitely-indexed sets is that, if they are discrete, then they are properly finite. This is much easier to prove when working with listings than when working with surjections, because the heavy lifting applies generically to arbitrary lists.
Given a listing, we may nub
the list
of members, removing the duplicates: the resulting list
has each
a proposition. Since each
was merely inhabited, each
appears both at least and at most once in
we have refined the listing into an enumeration.
nub-listing : ⊠_ : Discrete A ⊠â Listing A â Enumeration A nub-listing li = record { members = nub m ; has-member = λ a â â„-â„-out! do memb â has a pure (is-propââis-contr (member-nub-is-prop m) (memberâmember-nub memb)) } where open Listing li renaming (members to m ; has-member to has)
Plugging this construction into the connections between listings and notions of finiteness constructed above, we obtain the desired theorem: a finitely-indexed discrete type is finite.
Discrete-finitely-indexedâFinite : ⊠_ : Discrete A ⊠â is-finitely-indexed A â Finite A Discrete-finitely-indexedâFinite fi = â„-â„-out! do cov â âĄ-tr fi let over = finite-coverâlisting cov exact = nub-listing over pure (enumerationâfinite exact)