module Cat.Site.Sheafification where
The higher-inductive construction of sheafification presented in this
module is originally due to Matthias Hutzler, in code that
was contributed
to the cubical
library. The cubical
library is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, available
This module constructs the sheafification of a presheaf on relative to an arbitrary coverage on Abstractly, this is the left adjoint to the inclusion of sheaves on into presheaves on in concrete terms, this means that, given a presheaf we construct a and a map which is universal among maps from to sheaves.
Unlike traditional constructions in the literature (e.g. those found in (Johnstone 2002, C2.2.6; Mac Lane and Moerdijk 1994, chaps. V, 3.7; Stacks Project Authors 2018, 7.10)), which construct sheafifications by a two-step construction, working in cubical type theory lets us construct sheafifications all at once, using a higher inductive type. As usual when constructing left adjoints, this boils down to writing down an inductive type with constructors standing for all the “generators” and “relations” that the object must satisfy, then a bit of plumbing to establish the universal property in categorical terms.
module Sheafification {o ℓ ℓc} {C : Precategory o ℓ} (J : Coverage C ℓc) {ℓs} (A : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓs)) where open Precategory C open Functor open Coverage J using (Membership-covers) private module A = Functor A variable U V W : ⌞ C ⌟ f g h : Hom U V -- The constructors 'glue' and 'glues' are why we define pre.Parts and -- for "non-functors" (freestanding actions). -- -- Ideally we would like to define Sheafify and Sheafify₀ by mutual -- recursion so we could instead say Patch Sheafify (J .cover c) but -- this angers both the termination and the positivity checker (and -- occasionally the scope checker).
While this construction might not be familiar to working mathematicians, we will see by, investigating each constructor in turn, that there is a very natural set of “generators” and “relations” that present the sheafification. Let us start with the generators: how can you construct an element of
admits a (universal) natural transformation from
so we must have a constructor standing for that, namely inc
. Second,
must be a functor, so given
we have a constructor map
standing for the
is a sheaf, so given any
we can glue
together a patch with respect to
living in
data Sheafify₀ : ⌞ C ⌟ → Type (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓs ⊔ ℓc) where inc : A ʻ U → Sheafify₀ U map : (f : Hom U V) → Sheafify₀ V → Sheafify₀ U glue : (c : J ʻ U) (p : pre.Parts C map (J .cover c)) → (g : C map (J .cover c) p) → Sheafify₀ U
Then, we come to the relations, which are defined as path
constructors. First, we have constructors assuring that map
is functorial, and that
is a natural
map-id : ∀ x → map {U = U} id x ≡ x map-∘ : ∀ x → map (g ∘ f) x ≡ map f (map g x) inc-natural : (x : A ʻ U) → inc (A ⟪ f ⟫ x) ≡ map f (inc x)
To ensure that
is a sheaf, we have two constructors: one states that
is separated for any
sieve, and one states that the point obtained by glue
really is a section of
the given patch.
sep : ∀ {x y : Sheafify₀ U} (c : J ʻ U) → (l : ∀ {V} (f : Hom V U) (hf : f ∈ c) → map f x ≡ map f y) → x ≡ y glues : (c : J ʻ U) (p : pre.Parts C map (J .cover c)) → (g : C map (J .cover c) p) → C map (J .cover c) (glue c p g) p
Finally, we must tame all these generators for equality, by truncating to a set.
squash : is-set (Sheafify₀ U)
By distributing the data above, we see that
is indeed a functor (Sheafify
), that it is
separated, and that it is a sheaf.
Sheafify : Functor (C ^op) (Sets (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓs ⊔ ℓc)) Sheafify .F₀ x .∣_∣ = Sheafify₀ x Sheafify .F₀ x .is-tr = squash Sheafify .F₁ = map Sheafify .F-id = funext map-id Sheafify .F-∘ f g = funext map-∘ Sheafify-is-sep : is-separated J Sheafify Sheafify-is-sep c = sep c Sheafify-is-sheaf : is-sheaf J Sheafify Sheafify-is-sheaf = from-is-separated Sheafify-is-sep λ c s → record { whole = glue c (s .part) (s .patch) ; glues = glues c (s .part) (s .patch) }
An induction principle🔗
It remains to prove the universal property of Showing existence of the natural transformation is easy, and showing that we can factors maps through when is a sheaf is similarly uncomplicated. However, showing uniqueness of this factorisation is slightly more complicated: we will need an induction principle for to tackle this problem in a sensible way.
Every higher-inductive type has a mechanically derivable
eliminator into propositions, which lets us get a section
of a proposition
given only its values at the point constructor. But sheafifications have
three point constructors: inc
, map
, and glue
. Showing a proposition
is preserved by map
feels redundant, since
functoriality feels like it should be automatic, and having to handle
the glue
constructor feels
Hutzler shows us how to give a more natural elimination principle,
which furthermore handles map
automatically. We will
assume that we have a family of propositions
with sections over inc
Sheafify-elim-prop : ∀ {ℓp} (P : ∀ {U} → Sheafify₀ U → Type ℓp) → (pprop : ∀ {U} (x : Sheafify₀ U) → is-prop (P x)) → (pinc : ∀ {U : ⌞ C ⌟} (x : A ʻ U) → P (inc x))
Instead of asking for
over glue
, we will ask instead
be local for any
sieve. Explicitly, this means that we need to show
and a
but we’re allowed to assume that
has already been shown for any restriction
as long as
→ (plocal : ∀ {U : ⌞ C ⌟} (c : J ʻ U) (x : Sheafify₀ U) → (∀ {V} (f : Hom V U) (hf : f ∈ c) → P (map f x)) → P x) → ∀ {U} (x : Sheafify₀ U) → P x
The key idea is to strengthen to the proposition “ holds at every restriction of ”; we will call this stronger proposition Since is its own restriction along the identity, it is clear that implies it is also automatic that is a family of propositions as well.
Sheafify-elim-prop {ℓp} P pprop pinc plocal x = unp' (go x) where opaque P' : ∀ {U} (x : Sheafify₀ U) → Type (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓp) P' {U} x = ∀ {V} (f : Hom V U) → P (map f x) unp' : ∀ {U} {x : Sheafify₀ U} → P' x → P x unp' p' = subst P (map-id _) (p' id) p'prp : ∀ {U} (x : Sheafify₀ U) → is-prop (P' x) p'prp x = Π-is-hlevel' 1 λ V → Π-is-hlevel 1 λ f → pprop (map f x)
We now turn to showing
over every point constructor. First, it is preserved by map
, by functoriality: in a
bit more detail, suppose we have
we want to show
Unfolding the definition of
this means that we must show
for any
but our assumption means that we have
for any
which is equal to our goal by functoriality.
p'map : ∀ {U V : ⌞ C ⌟} (f : Hom U V) (x : Sheafify₀ V) → P' x → P' (map f x) p'map f x p g = subst P (map-∘ _) (p (f ∘ g))
Similarly, we can show
for the inclusion of an
at every restriction, by naturality of inc
p'inc : ∀ {U : ⌞ C ⌟} (x : A ʻ U) → P' (inc x) p'inc x {V} f = subst P (inc-natural x) (pinc (A ⟪ f ⟫ x))
Finally, we must show that
preserves the glue
constructor. This is a
bit more involved: suppose we have a
and a patch
For our induction hypothesis, we assume
for any
We want to show
given any
p'glue : ∀ {U : ⌞ C ⌟} (c : J ʻ U) (p : pre.Parts C map (J .cover c)) → (g : C map (J .cover c) p) → (∀ {V} (f : Hom V U) (hf : f ∈ c) → P' (p f hf)) → P' (glue c p g)
We will use the assumption that is local, at the pullback sieve which is since is a site: to show it will suffice to show this at every restriction along Since is a section of it becomes equal to after restricting along such a We have by assumption, and by the preceding observation, so we can finish by functoriality. This is a slightly tricky argument, so the formalisation may actually be easier to read:
p'glue c p compat loc f = ∥-∥-out (pprop _) do (c' , sub) ← J .stable c f pure $ plocal c' (map f (glue c p compat)) λ g hg → let it : P (map id (p (f ∘ g) (sub g hg))) it = loc (f ∘ g) (sub g hg) id q = map id (p (f ∘ g) _) ≡⟨ map-id _ ⟩≡ p (f ∘ g) _ ≡˘⟨ glues c p compat (f ∘ g) (sub g hg) ⟩≡˘ map (f ∘ g) (glue c p compat) ≡⟨ map-∘ _ ⟩≡ map g (map f (glue c p compat)) ∎ in subst P q it
go : ∀ {U} (x : Sheafify₀ U) → P' x go (map f x) = p'map f x (go x) go (inc x) = p'inc x go (glue c p g) = p'glue c p g λ f hf → go (p f hf) go (inc-natural {f = f} x i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → p'prp (inc-natural x i)) (p'inc (A.₁ f x)) (p'map f (inc x) (p'inc x)) i go (sep {x = x} {y = y} c l i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → p'prp (sep c l i)) (go x) (go y) i go (map-id x i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → p'prp (map-id x i)) (p'map id x (go x)) (go x) i go (map-∘ {g = g} {f = f} x i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → p'prp (map-∘ x i)) (p'map (g ∘ f) x (go x)) (p'map f (map g x) (p'map g x (go x))) i go (glues c p g f hf i) = is-prop→pathp (λ i → p'prp (glues c p g f hf i)) (p'map f (glue c p g) (p'glue c p g λ g hg → go (p g hg))) (go (p f hf)) i go (squash x y p q i j) = is-prop→squarep (λ i j → p'prp (squash x y p q i j)) (λ i → go x) (λ i → go (p i)) (λ i → go (q i)) (λ i → go y) i j
The universal property🔗
module Small {ℓ} {C : Precategory ℓ ℓ} (J : Coverage C ℓ) where open Sheafification J open _=>_ private variable A : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓ)
Using the induction principle above, we may show the categorical universal property of However, at this stage, we must pay attention to the universe levels involved. Let us recap:
A site, as a category with a coverage is parametrised over three universe levels: one for the type of objects of one for and one for the collection of Finally, we can consider presheaves on valued in a completely arbitrary universe.
The sheafification construction is fully general: the type simply lives in the least universe larger than all those that parametrise and
The functor category is parametrised by a universe level Among other things, this means that we can only really consider natural transformations between presheaves valued in the same universe level.
Moreover, to get a Cartesian closed category of presheaves, must be small — its objects and must live in the same universe — and they must be valued in that same universe level.
In practice, this means that, while the construction of is parametrised over four universe levels, we only obtain a nice universal property if is some category, equipped with an coverage, and we are talking about presheaves valued in the category of sets. As a result, the sheafification functor qua left adjoint is only parametrised over this one universe level.
Returning to the construction, the universal natural transformation is easy to define:
unit : A => Sheafify A unit .η _ = inc unit .is-natural x y f = funext inc-natural
And, if is a extending a map to a map is similarly straightforward. At each construction of we have a corresponding operation valued in deferring to for the inclusion of points from Similarly, the path constructors are all handled by the corresponding laws in
univ : (B : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓ)) → is-sheaf J B → A => B → Sheafify A => B univ {A = A} G shf eta = nt where private module G = Psh G go : ∀ U → Sheafify₀ A U → G ʻ U go U (inc x) = eta .η U x go U (map f x) = G ⟪ f ⟫ (go _ x) go U (glue c p g) = shf .whole c record { patch = λ f hf h hhf i → go _ (g f hf h hhf i) }
We will leave the laws in this little <details>
block, since they’re a tad uglier than the cases above. Note also that
naturality of
is a definitional equality.
go U (map-id x i) = G.F-id {x = go _ x} i go U (map-∘ {g = g} {f = f} x i) = G.F-∘ f g {x = go _ x} i go U (inc-natural {f = f} x i) = eta .is-natural _ U f i x go U (sep {x = x} {y = y} c l i) = shf .separate c {go _ x} {go _ y} (λ f hf i → go _ (l f hf i)) i go U (glues c p g f hf i) = shf .is-sheaf.glues c record { patch = λ f hf h hhf i → go _ (g f hf h hhf i) } f hf i go U (squash x y p q i j) = G.₀ U .is-tr (go U x) (go U y) (λ i → go U (p i)) (λ i → go U (q i)) i j nt : Sheafify A => G nt .η = go nt .is-natural x y f = refl
Finally, we can show that is the unique map which extends This is very straightforward with our induction principle for and the assumption that is a implies that equality in is
unique : (G : Functor (C ^op) (Sets ℓ)) (shf : is-sheaf J G) (eta : A => G) (eps : Sheafify A => G) → (∀ U (x : A ʻ U) → eps .η U (inc x) ≡ eta .η U x) → univ G shf eta ≡ eps unique {A = A} G shf eta eps comm = ext λ i → Sheafify-elim-prop A (λ {v} x → univ G shf eta .η v x ≡ eps .η v x) (λ {U} x → hlevel 1) (λ x → sym (comm _ x)) (λ c x l → is-sheaf.separate shf c (λ f hf → l f hf ∙ eps .is-natural _ _ _ # _))
private module fo = Free-object make-free-sheaf : ∀ F → Free-object (forget-sheaf J ℓ) F make-free-sheaf F = Sheafify F , Sheafify-is-sheaf F make-free-sheaf F .fo.unit = unit make-free-sheaf F .fo.fold {G , shf} = univ G shf make-free-sheaf F .fo.commute = trivial! make-free-sheaf F .fo.unique {G , shf} _ p = sym $ unique G shf _ _ λ U x → p ηₚ _ $ₚ _
- Johnstone, Peter T. 2002. Sketches of an Elephant: a Topos Theory Compendium. Oxford Logic Guides. New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press.
- Mac Lane, Saunders, and Ieke Moerdijk. 1994. Sheaves in Geometry and Logic: A First Introduction to Topos Theory. Universitext. New York, NY: Springer New York.
- Stacks Project Authors, The. 2018. “Stacks Project.”