module Cat.Site.Instances.Frame {o â„“} (X : Poset o â„“) (isf : is-frame X) where
Frames as sites🔗
Since sites, as categories we can define sheaves on, are meant to axiomatise what it means for a category to have a notion of covering, we should expect that frames, as geometric objects, should admit the structure of a site.
This module shows that: for a frame thought of as the opens in a space, we say that the coverings for are the families with To interpret such a family as a sieve, we say that an object belongs if there exists an with this is the specialisation to partial orders of the sieve generated by a family of arrows.
private Covering : ⌞ X ⌟ → Type _ Covering U = Σ[ I ∈ Type o ] Σ[ f ∈ (I → ⌞ X ⌟) ] (⋃ f ≡ U) generate : ∀ {U} → Covering U → Sieve (poset→category X) U generate (I , f , _) .arrows {V} _ = elΩ $ Σ[ i ∈ I ] V ≤ f i generate (I , f , _) .closed = rec! λ i α β → inc (i , ≤-trans β α)
For the stability property, we have to check that given a covering and a contained we can restrict to a covering of The answer is yes, and the process is leaving the index the same, and intersecting each part of the coverage with This works only because is a frame: essentially, if then the infinite distributive law gives us and this last meet, if is just so is a covering family for
∩-covering : ∀ {U V} → V ≤ U → Covering U → Covering V ∩-covering {U} {V} V≤U (I , f , p) = I , _ , cap-covers where abstract cap-covers : ⋃ (λ i → f i ∩ V) ≡ V cap-covers = ⋃ (λ i → f i ∩ V) ≡˘⟨ ⋃-distribr f V ⟩≡˘ ⋃ f ∩ V ≡⟨ ap₂ _∩_ p refl ⟩≡ U ∩ V ≡⟨ ∩-comm ∙ order→∩ V≤U ⟩≡ V ∎
To show that these definitions fit together to give a Coverage
, we must now show
that, if
is a covering family for
then the intersection
we computed above is contained in the pullback sieve
We’ll actually do one better: the intersection we computed is
the pullback sieve.
generate-∩ : ∀ {U V} (h : V ≤ U) (S : Covering U) → generate (∩-covering h S) ≡ pullback h (generate S) generate-∩ V≤U (I , f , p) = ext λ {W} W≤V → Ω-ua (rec! λ i W≤fi∩V → inc (i , ≤-trans W≤fi∩V ∩≤l)) (rec! λ i W≤fi → inc (i , ∩-universal _ W≤fi W≤V)) Open-coverage : Coverage (poset→category X) (lsuc o) Open-coverage .covers = Covering Open-coverage .cover = generate Open-coverage .stable {U} {V} S V≤U = inc (∩-covering V≤U S , incl) where incl : generate (∩-covering V≤U S) ⊆ pullback V≤U (generate S) incl g = subst (g ∈_) (generate-∩ V≤U S)
The open coverage on a frame enjoys the important property of being subcanonical, i.e. all of its covering sieves are pullback-stable colimits. This is essentially by definition: in the open coverage, a family over is covering if its union is i.e. if its colimit is Regardless, Agda will still ask that we do a bit of shuffling, and this is where our lemma for simplifying pullbacks comes in.
Open-coverage-is-subcanonical : is-subcanonical _ Open-coverage Open-coverage-is-subcanonical {U} cov@(I , f , _) {V} V≤U = done where open make-is-colimit mk : make-is-colim (poset→category X) (generate (∩-covering V≤U cov)) mk .ψ (elem W (W≤V , _)) = W≤V
In practical terms, all we have to show is that
is the colimit of
This computation is implicit in the definition of ∩-covering
, so we may reuse
that. In more details, we’re given an object
and a witness
that, for every
for which there exists an
we have
and we must show
has a type with pretty complex quantification, we’ll write it out
mk .universal {W} ε _ = let ε' : ∀ {X} → X ≤ V → ∃[ i ∈ I ] X ≤ f i ∩ V → X ≤ W ε' {X} α β = ε (elem X (α , (tr-□ β)))
Since is equal to the join it has the universal property of a join: to show for any it suffices to show that for every By we can reduce this to the two trivial conditions and After this, we can finish the proof by transitivity.
pt : ∀ i → f i ∩ V ≤ W pt i = ε' ∩≤r (inc (i , ≤-refl)) in V =˘⟨ ∩-covering V≤U cov .snd .snd ⟩=˘ ⋃ (λ i → f i ∩ V) ≤⟨ ⋃-universal _ pt ⟩≤ W ≤∎
Commutativity, universality and uniqueness are all trivial in a poset, so is a colim sieve, which is almost what we wanted. The theorem is complete by transporting along our proof that
mk .commutes _ = prop! mk .factors _ _ = prop! mk .unique _ _ _ _ = prop! done : is-colim (poset→category X) (pullback V≤U (generate cov)) done = subst (is-colim (poset→category X)) (generate-∩ V≤U _) (to-is-colimitp mk refl)