module Cat.Internal.Sets where

Internal categories in Set🔗

Categories that are internal to set are strict categories: precategories with a Set of objects. Starting from a category internal to and ending up with a strict category is quite unremarkable:

Internal-cat→Precategory :  {κ}  Internal-cat (Sets κ)  Precategory κ κ
Internal-cat→Precategory {κ}  = cat where
  open Internal-cat 
  open Internal-hom
  open Precategory

  cat : Precategory _ _
  cat .Ob =  C₀ 
  cat .Hom x y = Homi {C₀}  _  x) λ _  y
  cat .Hom-set _ _ = Internal-hom-set (Sets κ)
  cat .id = idi _
  cat ._∘_ = _∘i_
  cat .idr f = Internal-hom-path _ (ap ihom (idri f))
  cat .idl f = Internal-hom-path _ (ap ihom (idli f))
  cat .assoc f g h = Internal-hom-path _ (ap ihom (associ f g h))

Defining an internal category from a strict category is a lot more annoying.

  :  {o }
   (C : Precategory o )
   is-set  C 
   Internal-cat (Sets (o  ))
Strict-cat→Internal-cat {o} {} C ob-set = icat where

The object-of-objects is straightforward to define, since we already assumed that the category we’re internalising has a set of objects. Morphisms are a bit more complicated. Since an internal category has a single object-of-morphisms, we have to work with the total space of rather than any particular fibre.

  icat : Internal-cat (Sets (o  ))
  icat .C₀ = el! (Lift  Ob)
  icat .C₁ = el! (Σ[ x  C ] Σ[ y  C ] (Hom x y))
  icat .src (x , _ , _) = lift x
  icat .tgt (_ , y , _) = lift y

The internal identity morphism is simply the identity morphism.

  icat .has-internal-cat .idi x .ihom γ =
    lower (x γ) , lower (x γ) , id
  icat .has-internal-cat .idi x .has-src = refl
  icat .has-internal-cat .idi x .has-tgt = refl

Composition is where the complication shows up. Rather than composing two arrows and we have to compose arrows and a path This forces us to transport which gunks up the computations.

  icat .has-internal-cat ._∘i_ f g .ihom γ =
    g .ihom γ .fst ,
    f .ihom γ .snd .fst ,
    f .ihom γ .snd .snd
     cast-cod (ap lower (g .has-tgt $ₚ γ  sym (f .has-src $ₚ γ)))
      (g .ihom γ .snd .snd)
  icat .has-internal-cat ._∘i_ f g .has-src = g .has-src
  icat .has-internal-cat ._∘i_ f g .has-tgt = f .has-tgt

As mentioned, establishing the laws is slightly hampered by the stuck transports.

  icat .has-internal-cat .idli f =
    Internal-hom-path _ $
    funext λ γ 
    refl ,ₚ ap lower (sym (f .has-tgt $ₚ γ)) ,ₚ
    to-pathp⁻ (idl _  recast-cod _ _)
  icat .has-internal-cat .idri f =
    Internal-hom-path _ $
    funext λ γ 
    ap lower (sym (f .has-src $ₚ γ)) ,ₚ refl ,ₚ
    to-pathp⁻ (cast-cod-idr _ _  recast-dom _ _)
  icat .has-internal-cat .associ f g h =
    Internal-hom-path _ $
    funext λ γ 
    refl ,ₚ refl ,ₚ ap₂ _∘_ refl (cast-cod-∘ _)  assoc _ _ _

Fortunately, naturality does not get too far in the way.

  icat .has-internal-cat .idi-nat _ =
    Internal-hom-path _ refl
  icat .has-internal-cat .∘i-nat f g σ =
    Internal-hom-path _ $
    funext λ γ 
    refl ,ₚ refl ,ₚ ap₂ _∘_ refl (recast-cod _ _)