module Cat.Instances.FinSets.Omega where
The subobject classifier in FinSets🔗
In the category of finite sets, the set with the inclusion of is a generic subobject. The construction of the name of a subobject is by cases: since finite sets are closed under dependent sum and identity, they are closed under fibres, so we can define the name function at by cases on the cardinality of
fin-name : ∀ {X} → Subobject X → Fin X → Fin 2 fin-name {X = X} so m with cardinality {T = fibre (so .map) m} ... | zero = 0 ... | suc x = 1
tru : Subobject 2 tru .domain = 1 tru .map _ = 1 tru .monic g h x = ext λ e → Fin-cases {P = λ x → x ≡ h e} (Fin-cases {P = λ x → 0 ≡ x} refl (λ ()) (h e)) (λ ()) (g e) private inj : ∀ {X} (m : Subobject X) → injective (m .map) inj m {a} {b} α = m .monic {c = 1} (λ _ → a) (λ _ → b) (ext λ _ → α) $ₚ 0
This construction satisfies the evident ‘universal property’: its value at is if, and only if, the fibre is actually inhabited (in which case it’s even contractible, since subobjects of finite sets are embeddings).
from-name : ∀ {X} (m : Subobject X) x → fin-name m x ≡ 1 → fibre (m .map) x from-name m x p with cardinality {T = fibre (m .map) x} | enumeration {T = fibre (m .map) x} ... | zero | e = absurd (fzero≠fsuc p) ... | suc x | e = ∥-∥-out (injective→is-embedding! (inj m) _) (case e of λ eqv → pure (Equiv.from eqv 0)) to-name : ∀ {X} (m : Subobject X) x → fibre (m .map) x → fin-name m x ≡ 1 to-name m x p with cardinality {T = fibre (m .map) x} | enumeration {T = fibre (m .map) x} ... | zero | e = absurd (case e of λ eqv → Fin-absurd ( eqv p)) ... | suc x | e = refl
These two helpers show that is the pullback of the true arrow along as required.
FinSets-omega : Subobject-classifier FinSets FinSets-omega .Subobject-classifier.Ω = 2 FinSets-omega .Subobject-classifier.true = tru FinSets-omega .Subobject-classifier.generic .name = fin-name FinSets-omega .Subobject-classifier.generic .classifies m = record { top = λ _ → 0 ; has-is-pb = fb } where fb : is-pullback FinSets (m .map) (fin-name m) (λ _ → 0) (λ _ → 1) fb .is-pullback.square = ext λ a → to-name m _ (a , refl) fb .is-pullback.universal α x = from-name m _ (happly α x) .fst fb .is-pullback.p₁∘universal = ext λ a → from-name m _ _ .snd fb .is-pullback.p₂∘universal {p₂' = p₂'} = ext λ a → Fin-cases {P = λ x → 0 ≡ x} refl (λ ()) (p₂' a) fb .is-pullback.unique a e = ext λ x → inj m (happly a x ∙ sym (from-name m _ _ .snd))
We can show uniqueness also by cases on the cardinality of each fibre. First, if the fibre is inhabited, then let be the preimage of we then have as needed.
FinSets-omega .Subobject-classifier.generic .unique {m = m} {nm} pb = ext uniq where uniq : ∀ x → nm x ≡ fin-name m x uniq x with cardinality {T = fibre (m .map) x} | enumeration {T = fibre (m .map) x} | from-name m x ... | suc n | e | f with (x' , α) ← f refl = ap nm (sym α) ∙ happly (pb .square) _
If the fibre is uninhabited, we show that by showing it can not be For if it were its universal property as a pullback would let us get our hands on an element of — but we already know that this type has cardinality zero.
... | zero | e | _ = let a : nm x ≡ fin 1 → ⊥ a w = let vl = pb .universal {P' = 1} {p₁' = λ _ → x} {p₂' = λ _ → 0} (ext λ _ → w) 0 it : fibre (m .map) x it = vl , pb .p₁∘universal · 0 in case e of λ eqv → absurd (Fin-absurd ( eqv it)) in Fin-cases {P = λ e → nm x ≡ e → nm x ≡ 0} (λ x → x) (fin-cons (λ nmx=0 → absurd (a nmx=0)) λ ()) (nm x) refl