module Cat.Displayed.Instances.CT-Structure {o ℓ} (B : Precategory o ℓ) (has-prods : ∀ X Y → Product B X Y) where open Precategory B open Binary-products B has-prods open Simple B has-prods
CT structures🔗
CT-Structures are a refinement of simple fibrations, which
allow us to model type theories where the contexts aren’t necessarily
representable as types. This is done by defining a CT-Structure
(short for
Context and Type Structure) on our category of contexts, which allows us
to distinguish certain contexts as denoting types (for instance,
singleton contexts, or possibly the empty context if we have unit
types). A CT-structure is quite simple, consisting of only a predicate
on contexts meant to denote which ones are types, along with the
restriction that there is at least one type, to prevent the entire
structure from becoming degenerate.
record CT-Structure (s : Level) : Type (o ⊔ lsuc s) where field is-tp : Ob → Prop s ∃-tp : ∃[ tp ∈ Ob ] (tp ∈ is-tp) open CT-Structure
We can construct a displayed category over our category of contexts in much the same manner as the simple fibration; the only difference is that we restrict the displayed object to objects that the CT-structure distinguishes as types.
Simple-ct : ∀ {s} → CT-Structure s → Displayed B (o ⊔ s) ℓ Simple-ct ct .Displayed.Ob[_] Γ = Σ[ X ∈ Ob ] ∣ is-tp ct X ∣ Simple-ct ct .Displayed.Hom[_] {Γ} {Δ} u X Y = Hom (Γ ⊗₀ X .fst) (Y .fst) Simple-ct ct .Displayed.Hom[_]-set {Γ} {Δ} u X Y = Hom-set (Γ ⊗₀ X .fst) (Y .fst) Simple-ct ct' = π₂ Simple-ct ct .Displayed._∘'_ {f = u} {g = v} f g = f ∘ ⟨ v ∘ π₁ , g ⟩ Simple-ct ct .Displayed.idr' {f = u} f = f ∘ ⟨ (id ∘ π₁) , π₂ ⟩ ≡⟨ products! B has-prods ⟩≡ f ∎ Simple-ct ct .Displayed.idl' {f = u} f = π₂ ∘ ⟨ u ∘ π₁ , f ⟩ ≡⟨ products! B has-prods ⟩≡ f ∎ Simple-ct ct .Displayed.assoc' {f = u} {g = v} {h = w} f g h = f ∘ ⟨ (v ∘ w) ∘ π₁ , g ∘ ⟨ w ∘ π₁ , h ⟩ ⟩ ≡⟨ products! B has-prods ⟩≡ (f ∘ ⟨ v ∘ π₁ , g ⟩) ∘ ⟨ w ∘ π₁ , h ⟩ ∎
Cartesian maps🔗
If a map is cartesian in the simple fibration, then it is cartesian in a simple CT fibration.
Simple-cartesian→Simple-ct-cartesian : ∀ {s} {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {f : Hom (Γ ⊗₀ x) y} → (ct : CT-Structure s) → (x-tp : x ∈ ct .is-tp) → (y-tp : y ∈ ct .is-tp) → is-cartesian Simple σ f → is-cartesian (Simple-ct ct) {a' = x , x-tp} {b' = y , y-tp} σ f Simple-cartesian→Simple-ct-cartesian ct x-tp y-tp cart = ct-cart where open is-cartesian ct-cart : is-cartesian (Simple-ct ct) _ _ ct-cart .universal = cart .universal ct-cart .commutes = cart .commutes ct-cart .unique = cart .unique
Fibration structure🔗
Much like the simple fibration, the simple fibration associated to a CT-structure also deserves its name.
open Cartesian-lift open is-cartesian Simple-ct-fibration : ∀ {s} (ct : CT-Structure s) → Cartesian-fibration (Simple-ct ct) Simple-ct-fibration ct u Y .x' = Y Simple-ct-fibration ct u Y .lifting = π₂ Simple-ct-fibration ct u Y .cartesian .universal _ h = h Simple-ct-fibration ct u Y .cartesian .commutes g h = π₂∘⟨⟩ Simple-ct-fibration ct u Y .cartesian .unique {m = g} {h' = h} h' p = h' ≡˘⟨ π₂∘⟨⟩ ⟩≡˘ π₂ ∘ ⟨ g ∘ π₁ , h' ⟩ ≡⟨ p ⟩≡ h ∎
There is an evident embedding of the simple fibration associated with a CT-structure into the simple fibration.
Simple-ct→Simple : ∀ {s} → (ct : CT-Structure s) → Vertical-functor (Simple-ct ct) Simple Simple-ct→Simple ct .Vertical-functor.F₀' = fst Simple-ct→Simple ct .Vertical-functor.F₁' f = f Simple-ct→Simple ct .Vertical-functor.F-id' = refl Simple-ct→Simple ct .Vertical-functor.F-∘' = refl
Furthermore, if is (merely) inhabited, then we can construct a CT-Structure that considers every context a type.
All-types : ∥ Ob ∥ → CT-Structure lzero All-types X .is-tp _ = el ⊤ (hlevel 1) All-types X .∃-tp = ∥-∥-map (λ x → x , tt) X Simple→Simple-ct : ∀ {X} → Vertical-functor Simple (Simple-ct (All-types X)) Simple→Simple-ct .Vertical-functor.F₀' X = X , tt Simple→Simple-ct .Vertical-functor.F₁' f = f Simple→Simple-ct .Vertical-functor.F-id' = refl Simple→Simple-ct .Vertical-functor.F-∘' = refl