module Cat.Displayed.Comprehension.Coproduct
  {ob ℓb od ℓd oe ℓe} {B : Precategory ob ℓb}
  {D : Displayed B od ℓd} {E : Displayed B oe ℓe}
  (D-fib : Cartesian-fibration D) (E-fib : Cartesian-fibration E)
  (P : Comprehension E)

Coproducts in comprehension categories🔗

Let be a comprehension category and a fibration over the same base. We say that has when:

  • For every and there exists an object

  • Every projection induces a cocartesian map

  • For every cubical diagram as below, if is cartesian in and are cartesian in and is cocartesian in then is cocartesian in

From a type-theoretic perspective, the first two conditions are rather straightforward. The first condition establishes that we have a type former that can quantify over objects of The second condition defines an introduction rule of the following form:

The elimination rule comes from each being cocartesian, as cocartesian maps satisfy a mapping-out universal property, exactly like a coproduct should!

However, at a glance, the last condition is somewhat mysterious. It says that cocartesian maps over projections are stable: but what does that have to do with coproducts? This, like many other questions in category theory, is elucidated by thinking type-theoretically: A cartesian map in a comprehension category is essentially a substitution: the stability condition says that the introduction rule for coproducts is actually type-theoretic: stable under substitution.

record has-comprehension-coproducts : Type (ob  ℓb  od  ℓd  oe  ℓe) where
     :  {Γ}  (x : E.Ob[ Γ ]) (a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ])  D.Ob[ Γ ]
      :  {Γ}  (x : E.Ob[ Γ ]) (a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ])
       D.Hom[ πᶜ ] a ( x a)
      :  {Γ}  (x : E.Ob[ Γ ]) (a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ])
       is-cocartesian D πᶜ  x , a 
      :  {Γ Δ x y a a' b b'} {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y}
       {r : D.Hom[ πᶜ ] a a'} {h : D.Hom[ σ ] a' b'}
       {g : D.Hom[ σ ⨾ˢ f ] a b} {s : D.Hom[ πᶜ ] b b'}
       is-cartesian E σ f
       s D.∘' g D.≡[ sub-proj f ] h D.∘' r
       is-cocartesian D πᶜ s
       is-cartesian D (σ ⨾ˢ f) g
       is-cartesian D σ h
       is-cocartesian D πᶜ r

  module ⟨⟩-cocartesian {Γ} (x : E.Ob[ Γ ]) (a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]) =
    is-cocartesian (⟨⟩-cocartesian x a)

Now, some general facts about coproducts. To start, note that forming coproducts is a functorial operation. The proof is very routine — if you’ve seen one functoriality argument, you’ve seen them all — so we’ve hidden it from the page.1

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a b : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]}
       D.Hom[ id ] a b  D.Hom[ id ] ( x a) ( x b)
    ∐[_] {Γ} {x} {a} {b} f =
      ⟨⟩-cocartesian.universal' x a id-comm-sym ( x , b  D.∘' f)

    ∐[]-id :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]}  ∐[' {x = a} ]'
      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a b c : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] b c) (g : D.Hom[ id ] a b)
       ∐[ f D↓.∘ g ] D.≡[ sym (idl _) ] ∐[ f ] D.∘' ∐[ g ]

We can also re-package the cocartesianness of to give a method for constructing morphisms given morphisms Type theoretically, this gives a much more familiar presentation of the elimination rule.

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       D.Hom[ id ] a (π*.F₀ x b)
       D.Hom[ id ] ( x a) b
    ∐-elim {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} f =
      ⟨⟩-cocartesian.universal' x a id-comm-sym (D.π* πᶜ b D.∘' f)

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] a (π*.F₀ x b))
       ∐-elim f D.∘'  x , a  D.≡[ id-comm-sym ] D.π* πᶜ b D.∘' f
    ∐-elim-β f = ⟨⟩-cocartesian.commutesp _ _ _ _

Putting on our type-theorist goggles, we’re still missing one thing to call this a proper elimination rule: stability under substitution. In the categorical world, that’s satisfied by the proof that the operation we just constructed is natural, given below.

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a b : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {c : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] b (π*.₀ x c)) (g : D.Hom[ id ] a b)
       ∐-elim f D.∘' ∐[ g ] D.≡[ idl _ ] ∐-elim (f D↓.∘ g)
    ∐-elim-natural {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} {c = c} f g =
      ⟨⟩-cocartesian.uniquep x a _ _ _ (∐-elim f D.∘' ∐[ g ]) $
        ((∐-elim f) D.∘' ∐[ g ]) D.∘'  x , a  D.≡[]⟨ D.pullr[] _ (∐[]-natural g) D.≡[]
        ∐-elim f D.∘'  x , b  D.∘' g          D.≡[]⟨ D.extendl[] id-comm-sym (⟨⟩-cocartesian.commutesp x b _ _) D.≡[]
        D.π* πᶜ c D.∘' f D.∘' g                 D.≡[]⟨ to-pathp (D.unwhisker-r (ap (πᶜ ∘_) (idl _)) (idl _)) D.≡[]
        D.π* πᶜ c D.∘' D.hom[] (f D.∘' g)       

Conversely, we can make maps given maps This isn’t quite, type-theoretically, as the elimination principle: it’s a weird mash-up of the introduction rule for coproducts, followed by substitution.

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       D.Hom[ id ] ( x a) b
       D.Hom[ id ] a (π*.₀ x b)
    ∐-transpose {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} f =
      D.π*.universal' id-comm (f D.∘'  x , a )

While ∐-transpose may not play an obvious type-theoretic role, it is extremely important categorically, since it is an inverse of ∐-elim! Moreover, it’s also natural, but that proof is also hidden from the page for brevity.

    unfolding ∐-elim ∐-transpose
      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] ( x a) b)
       ∐-elim (∐-transpose f)  f
    ∐-elim-transpose {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} f = sym $
      ⟨⟩-cocartesian.uniquep x a _ _ _ f $ symP $
      D.π*.commutesp id-comm (f D.∘'  x , a )

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] a (π*.F₀ x b))
       ∐-transpose (∐-elim f)  f
    ∐-transpose-elim {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} f = sym $
      D.π*.uniquep _ _ _ f $ symP $
      ⟨⟩-cocartesian.commutesp x a id-comm-sym (D.π* πᶜ b D.∘' f)
    :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
     is-equiv (∐-transpose {a = a} {b = b})
  ∐-transpose-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv $
    iso ∐-elim ∐-transpose-elim ∐-elim-transpose

    unfolding ∐-transpose
      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a b : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {c : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] ( x b) c) (g : D.Hom[ id ] a b)
       ∐-transpose f D.∘' g D.≡[ idl _ ] ∐-transpose (f D↓.∘ ∐[ g ])
    ∐-transpose-naturall {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} {c = c} f g =
      D.π*.uniquep _ _ _ (∐-transpose f D.∘' g) $
        D.π* πᶜ c D.∘' ∐-transpose f D.∘' g D.≡[]⟨ D.pulll[] id-comm (D.π*.commutesp _ _) D.≡[]
        (f D.∘'  x , b ) D.∘' g           D.≡[]⟨ D.extendr[] _ (symP (∐[]-natural g)) D.≡[]
        (f D.∘' ∐[ g ]) D.∘'  x , a       D.≡[ ap (_∘ πᶜ) (idl _) ]⟨ to-pathp (D.unwhisker-l (ap (_∘ πᶜ) (idl _)) (idl _)) ]
        (f D↓.∘ ∐[ g ]) D.∘'  x , a       

      :  {Γ} {x : E.Ob[ Γ ]} {a : D.Ob[ Γ  x ]} {b c : D.Ob[ Γ ]}
       (f : D.Hom[ id ] b c) (g : D.Hom[ id ] ( x a) b)
       π*.₁ x f D.∘' ∐-transpose g D.≡[ idl _ ] ∐-transpose (f D↓.∘ g)
    ∐-transpose-naturalr {x = x} {a = a} {b = b} {c = c} f g =
      D.π*.uniquep _ _ _ (π*.F₁ x f D.∘' ∐-transpose g) $
        D.π* πᶜ c D.∘' π*.₁ x f D.∘' ∐-transpose g     D.≡[]⟨ D.pulll[] _ (D.π*.commutesp id-comm _) D.≡[]
        (f D.∘' D.π* πᶜ b) D.∘' ∐-transpose g          D.≡[]⟨ D.extendr[] id-comm (D.π*.commutesp _ _) D.≡[]
        (f D.∘' g) D.∘'  x , a                       D.≡[ ap (_∘ πᶜ) (idl _) ]⟨ to-pathp (D.unwhisker-l (ap (_∘ πᶜ) (idl _)) (idl _)) ]
        D.hom[ idl id ] (f D.∘' g) D.∘'  x , a       

Next, we define an introduction rule for coproducts that also lets us apply a mediating substitution:

      :  {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ}
       (f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y) (a : D.Ob[ Δ  y ])
       D.Hom[ πᶜ ] (D*.₀ (σ ⨾ˢ f) a) (D*.₀ σ ( y a))

    ⟨_⨾_⟩ {x = x} {y = y} {σ = σ} f a =
      D.π*.universal' (sym (sub-proj f)) $
       y , a  D.∘' D.π* (σ ⨾ˢ f) a

      :  {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ}
       (f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y) (a : D.Ob[ Δ  y ])
       D.π* σ ( y a) D.∘'  f  a 
      D.≡[ sym (sub-proj f) ]  y , a  D.∘' D.π* (σ ⨾ˢ f) a

    ⟨⨾⟩-weaken {y = y} {σ = σ} f a =
       D.π*.commutesp (symP (sub-proj f)) _

Because we have assumed that cocartesian maps are stable when pulled back along cartesian maps over projections2, this map is also cocartesian — and, you guessed it — the spiced-up introduction rule is also natural.

      :  {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ}  {f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y}
       is-cartesian E σ f  (a : D.Ob[ Δ  y ])
       is-cocartesian D πᶜ  f  a 
    ⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian {x = x} {y = y} {σ = σ} {f = f} cart a =
      cocartesian-stable cart
        (symP (⟨⨾⟩-weaken f a))
        (⟨⟩-cocartesian y a)

  module ⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian
    {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y}
    (cart : is-cartesian E σ f) (a : D.Ob[ Δ  y ])
    = is-cocartesian (⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian cart a)

This lets us extend a substitution into a substitution

      :  {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y}
       is-cartesian E σ f  (a : D.Ob[ Δ  y ])
       D.Hom[ id ] (D*.₀ σ ( y a)) ( x (D*.₀ (σ ⨾ˢ f) a))
    ∐-sub {x = x} {σ = σ} {f = f} cart a =
      ⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian.universalv cart a  x , (D*.₀ (σ ⨾ˢ f) a) 

      :  {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y}
       (cart : is-cartesian E σ f)  (a : D.Ob[ Δ  y ])
       ∐-sub cart a D.∘'  f  a  D.≡[ idl _ ]  x , (D*.₀ (σ ⨾ˢ f) a) 
    ∐-sub-⟨⨾⟩ cart a =
      ⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian.commutesv cart a _

      :  {Γ Δ x y} {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {f : E.Hom[ σ ] x y}
       {a b : D.Ob[ Δ  y ]}
       (cart : is-cartesian E σ f)
       (g : D.Hom[ id ] a b)
       ∐-sub cart b D.∘' D*.₁ σ ∐[ g ]  ∐[ D*.₁ (σ ⨾ˢ f) g ] D.∘' ∐-sub cart a
    ∐-sub-natural {x = x} {y = y} {σ = σ} {f = f} {a = a} {b = b} cart g =
      ⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian.uniquep₂ cart a _ _ _ _ _
        (D.pullr[] _ (symP (⟨⨾⟩-natural g f))
         D.∙[] D.pulll[] _ (⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian.commutesv cart b _))
        (D.pullr[] _ (⟨⨾⟩-cocartesian.commutesv cart a _)
         D.∙[] ∐[]-natural (D*.₁ (σ ⨾ˢ f) g))

  1. As a reminder, you can choose to toggle hidden code on the sidebar.↩︎

  2. what a mouthful!↩︎