module Cat.Diagram.Limit.Cone where
Limits via conesπ
As noted in the main page on limits, most introductory material defines limits via a mathematical widget called a cone.
module _ {J : Precategory oβ hβ} {C : Precategory oβ hβ} (F : Functor J C) where private import Cat.Reasoning J as J import Cat.Reasoning C as C module F = Functor F record Cone : Type (oβ β oβ β hβ β hβ) where no-eta-equality
A Cone
is given by an object (the apex
) together with a family of
maps Ο
β one for each object in the
indexing category J
β such that βeverything in sight
field apex : C.Ob Ο : (x : J.Ob) β C.Hom apex (F.β x)
For every map in the indexing category, we require that the diagram below commutes. This encompasses βeverythingβ since the only non-trivial composites that can be formed with the data at hand are of the form
commutes : β {x y} (f : J.Hom x y) β F.β f C.β Ο x β‘ Ο y
These non-trivial composites consist of following the left leg of the diagram below, followed by the bottom leg. For it to commute, that path has to be the same as following the right leg.
Since paths in Hom-spaces are propositions
, to test equality
of cones, it suffices for the apices to be equal, and for their
to assign equal morphisms for every object in the shape category.
Cone-path : {x y : Cone} β (p : Cone.apex x β‘ Cone.apex y) β (β o β PathP (Ξ» i β C.Hom (p i) (F.β o)) (Cone.Ο x o) (Cone.Ο y o)) β x β‘ y Cone-path p q i .Cone.apex = p i Cone-path p q i .Cone.Ο o = q o i Cone-path {x = x} {y} p q i .Cone.commutes {x = a} {y = b} f = is-propβpathp (Ξ» i β C.Hom-set _ _ (F.β f C.β q a i) (q b i)) (x .commutes f) (y .commutes f) i where open Cone
Cone mapsπ
record Cone-hom (x y : Cone) : Type (oβ β hβ) where no-eta-equality constructor cone-hom
A Cone homomorphism
is β like the
introduction says β a map hom
in the ambient category
between the apices, such that βeverything in sight commutes
β. Specifically, for any
choice of object
in the index category, the composition of hom
with the domain coneβs Ο
(at that object) must be equal
to the codomainβs Ο
field hom : C.Hom (Cone.apex x) (Cone.apex y) commutes : β o β Cone.Ο y o C.β hom β‘ Cone.Ο x o
private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote Cone-hom) Cone-hom-path : β {x y} {f g : Cone-hom x y} β Cone-hom.hom f β‘ Cone-hom.hom g β f β‘ g Cone-hom-path p i .Cone-hom.hom = p i Cone-hom-path {x = x} {y} {f} {g} p i .Cone-hom.commutes o j = is-setβsquarep (Ξ» i j β C.Hom-set _ _) (Ξ» j β Cone.Ο y o C.β p j) (f .Cone-hom.commutes o) (g .Cone-hom.commutes o) refl i j
Since cone homomorphisms are morphisms in the underlying category
with extra properties, we can lift the laws from the underlying category
to the category of Cones
. The definition of compose
is the enlightening
part, since we have to prove that two cone homomorphisms again preserve
all the commutativities.
Cones : Precategory _ _ Cones = cat where open Precategory compose : {x y z : _} β Cone-hom y z β Cone-hom x y β Cone-hom x z compose {x} {y} {z} F G = r where open Cone-hom r : Cone-hom x z r .hom = hom F C.β hom G r .commutes o = Cone.Ο z o C.β hom F C.β hom G β‘β¨ C.pulll (commutes F o) β©β‘ Cone.Ο y o C.β hom G β‘β¨ commutes G o β©β‘ Cone.Ο x o β cat : Precategory _ _ cat .Ob = Cone cat .Hom = Cone-hom cat .id = record { hom = ; commutes = Ξ» _ β C.idr _ } cat ._β_ = compose cat .idr f = Cone-hom-path (C.idr _) cat .idl f = Cone-hom-path (C.idl _) cat .assoc f g h = Cone-hom-path (C.assoc _ _ _)
Terminal cones as limitsπ
Note that cones over some diagram contain the exact same data as natural transformations from a constant functor to To obtain a limit, all we need is a way of stating that a given cone is universal. In particular, the terminal object in the category of cones over a diagram (if it exists!) is the limit of
The proof here is just shuffling data around: this is not totally surprising, as both constructions contain the same data, just organized differently.
Coneβcone : (K : Cone) β Const (Cone.apex K) => F Coneβcone K .Ξ· = K .Cone.Ο Coneβcone K .is-natural x y f = C.idr _ β sym (K .Cone.commutes f) is-terminal-coneβis-limit : β {K : Cone} β is-terminal Cones K β is-limit F (Cone.apex K) (Coneβcone K) is-terminal-coneβis-limit {K = K} term = isl where open Cone-hom open is-ran open Cone isl : is-ran _ F _ (Coneβcone K) isl .Ο {M = M} Ξ± = nt where Ξ±' : Cone Ξ±' .apex = M .Functor.Fβ tt Ξ±' .Ο x = Ξ± .Ξ· x Ξ±' .commutes f = sym (Ξ± .is-natural _ _ f) β C.elimr (M .Functor.F-id) nt : M => !Const (K .apex) nt .Ξ· x = term Ξ±' .centre .hom nt .is-natural tt tt tt = C.elimr (M .Functor.F-id) β C.introl refl isl .Ο-comm = ext Ξ» x β term _ .centre .commutes _ isl .Ο-uniq {Ο' = Ο'} x = ext Ξ» _ β ap hom $ term _ .paths Ξ» where .hom β Ο' .Ξ· _ .commutes _ β sym (x Ξ·β _)
The inverse direction of this equivalence also consists of packing and unpacking data.
is-limitβis-terminal-cone : β {x} {eps : Const x => F} β (L : is-limit F x eps) β is-terminal Cones (record { commutes = is-limit.commutes L }) is-limitβis-terminal-cone {x = x} L K = term where module L = is-limit L module K = Cone K open Cone-hom term : is-contr (Cone-hom K _) term .centre .hom = L.universal K.Ο K.commutes term .centre .commutes _ = L.factors K.Ο K.commutes term .paths f = Cone-hom-path (sym (L.unique K.Ο K.commutes (f .hom) (f .commutes)))
open Ran Terminal-coneβLimit : Terminal Cones β Limit F Terminal-coneβLimit x .Ext = _ Terminal-coneβLimit x .eps = _ Terminal-coneβLimit x .has-ran = is-terminal-coneβis-limit (x .Terminal.hasβ€) LimitβTerminal-cone : Limit F β Terminal Cones LimitβTerminal-cone x = _ LimitβTerminal-cone x .Terminal.hasβ€ = is-limitβis-terminal-cone (Limit.has-limit x)