module Cat.Diagram.Coend.Sets where
Coends in Sets🔗
We can give an explicit construction of coends in the category of sets by
taking a coequaliser.
Intuitively, the coend should be the “sum of the diagonal” of a functor
which translates directly to the sigma type
Σ[ X ∈ Ob ] ∣ F₀ (X , X) ∣
. However, trying to use this
without some sort of quotient is going to be immediately problematic.
For starters, this isn’t even a set! More importantly, we run into an
immediate issue when we try to prove that this is extranatural; we need
to show that F₁ (f , id) Fyx ≡ F₁ (id , f) Fyx
for all
f : Hom Y X
and ∣ Fyx : F₀ (X , Y) ∣
However, if we take a coequaliser of
Σ[ X ∈ Ob ] ∣ F₀ (X , X) ∣
both of these problems
immediately disappear. In particular, we want to take the coequaliser of
the following pair of functions:
This allows us to prove the troublesome extranaturality condition
directly with glue
. With that motivation
out of the way, let’s continue with the construction!
module _ {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} (F : Functor (C ^op ×ᶜ C) (Sets (o ⊔ ℓ))) where open Precategory C open Functor F open Coend open Cowedge
We start by defining the two maps we will coequalise along. Quite a bit of bundling is required to make things well typed, but this is exactly the same pair of maps in the diagram above.
dimapl : Σ[ X ∈ C ] Σ[ Y ∈ C ] Σ[ f ∈ Hom Y X ] F ʻ (X , Y) → Σ[ X ∈ C ] F ʻ (X , X) dimapl (X , Y , f , Fxy) = X , F₁ (id , f) Fxy dimapr : Σ[ X ∈ C ] Σ[ Y ∈ C ] Σ[ f ∈ Hom Y X ] F ʻ (X , Y) → Σ[ X ∈ C ] F ʻ (X , X) dimapr (X , Y , f , Fxy) = Y , F₁ (f , id) Fxy
Constructing the universal Cowedge
is easy now that
we’ve taken the right coequaliser.
Set-coend : Coend F Set-coend = coend where universal-cowedge : Cowedge F universal-cowedge .nadir = el! (Coeq dimapl dimapr) universal-cowedge .ψ X Fxx = inc (X , Fxx) universal-cowedge .extranatural {X} {Y} f = funext λ Fyx → glue (Y , X , f , Fyx)
To show that the Cowedge
is universal, we can
essentially just project out the bundled up object from the coend and
feed that to the family associated to the cowedge W
factoring : (W : Cowedge F) → Coeq dimapl dimapr → ⌞ W .nadir ⌟ factoring W (inc (o , x)) = W .ψ o x factoring W (glue (X , Y , f , Fxy) i) = W .extranatural f i Fxy factoring W (squash x y p q i j) = W .nadir .is-tr (factoring W x) (factoring W y) (λ i → factoring W (p i)) (λ i → factoring W (q i)) i j coend : Coend F coend .cowedge = universal-cowedge coend .factor W = factoring W coend .commutes = refl coend .unique {W = W} p = ext λ X x → p #ₚ x
This construction is actually functorial! Given any functor we can naturally construct its Coend in This ends up assembling into a functor from the functor category into
module _ {o ℓ} {𝒞 : Precategory o ℓ} where open Precategory 𝒞 open Functor open _=>_ Coends : Functor Cat[ 𝒞 ^op ×ᶜ 𝒞 , Sets (o ⊔ ℓ) ] (Sets (o ⊔ ℓ)) Coends .F₀ F = el! (Coeq (dimapl F) (dimapr F)) Coends .F₁ α = Coeq-rec (λ ∫F → inc ((∫F .fst) , α .η _ (∫F .snd))) λ where (X , Y , f , Fxy) → (ap (λ ϕ → inc (X , ϕ)) $ happly (α .is-natural (X , Y) (X , X) (id , f)) Fxy) ·· glue (X , Y , f , α .η (X , Y) Fxy) ·· (sym $ ap (λ ϕ → inc (Y , ϕ)) $ happly (α .is-natural (X , Y) (Y , Y) (f , id)) Fxy) Coends .F-id = trivial! Coends .F-∘ f g = trivial!