module Cat.Diagram.Coend.Sets where

Coends in Sets🔗

We can give an explicit construction of coends in the category of sets by taking a coequaliser. Intuitively, the coend should be the “sum of the diagonal” of a functor which translates directly to the sigma type Σ[ X ∈ Ob ] ∣ F₀ (X , X) ∣. However, trying to use this without some sort of quotient is going to be immediately problematic. For starters, this isn’t even a set! More importantly, we run into an immediate issue when we try to prove that this is extranatural; we need to show that F₁ (f , id) Fyx ≡ F₁ (id , f) Fyx for all f : Hom Y X and ∣ Fyx : F₀ (X , Y) ∣.

However, if we take a coequaliser of Σ[ X ∈ Ob ] ∣ F₀ (X , X) ∣ both of these problems immediately disappear. In particular, we want to take the coequaliser of the following pair of functions:

This allows us to prove the troublesome extranaturality condition directly with glue. With that motivation out of the way, let’s continue with the construction!

module _ {o } {C : Precategory o } (F : Functor (C ^op ×ᶜ C) (Sets (o  ))) where
  open Precategory C
  open Functor F
  open Coend
  open Cowedge

We start by defining the two maps we will coequalise along. Quite a bit of bundling is required to make things well typed, but this is exactly the same pair of maps in the diagram above.

  dimapl : Σ[ X  C ] Σ[ Y  C ] Σ[ f  Hom Y X ] F ʻ (X , Y)
          Σ[ X  C ] F ʻ (X , X)
  dimapl (X , Y , f , Fxy) = X , F₁ (id , f) Fxy

  dimapr : Σ[ X  C ] Σ[ Y  C ] Σ[ f  Hom Y X ] F ʻ (X , Y)
          Σ[ X  C ] F ʻ (X , X)
  dimapr (X , Y , f , Fxy) = Y , F₁ (f , id) Fxy

Constructing the universal Cowedge is easy now that we’ve taken the right coequaliser.

  Set-coend : Coend F
  Set-coend = coend where
    universal-cowedge : Cowedge F
    universal-cowedge .nadir = el! (Coeq dimapl dimapr)
    universal-cowedge .ψ X Fxx = inc (X , Fxx)
    universal-cowedge .extranatural {X} {Y} f =
     funext λ Fyx  glue (Y , X , f , Fyx)

To show that the Cowedge is universal, we can essentially just project out the bundled up object from the coend and feed that to the family associated to the cowedge W.

    factoring : (W : Cowedge F)  Coeq dimapl dimapr   W .nadir 
    factoring W (inc (o , x)) = W .ψ o x
    factoring W (glue (X , Y , f , Fxy) i) = W .extranatural f i Fxy
    factoring W (squash x y p q i j) = W .nadir .is-tr (factoring W x) (factoring W y)  i  factoring W (p i))  i  factoring W (q i)) i j

    coend : Coend F
    coend .cowedge = universal-cowedge
    coend .factor W = factoring W
    coend .commutes = refl
    coend .unique {W = W} p = ext λ X x  p #ₚ x

This construction is actually functorial! Given any functor we can naturally construct its Coend in This ends up assembling into a functor from the functor category into

module _ {o } {𝒞 : Precategory o } where
  open Precategory 𝒞
  open Functor
  open _=>_

  Coends : Functor Cat[ 𝒞 ^op ×ᶜ 𝒞 , Sets (o  ) ] (Sets (o  ))
  Coends .F₀ F = el! (Coeq (dimapl F) (dimapr F))
  Coends .F₁ α =
    Coeq-rec  ∫F  inc ((∫F .fst) , α .η _ (∫F .snd))) λ where
      (X , Y , f , Fxy) 
        (ap  ϕ  inc (X , ϕ)) $ happly (α .is-natural (X , Y) (X , X) (id , f)) Fxy) ··
        glue (X , Y , f , α .η (X , Y) Fxy) ··
        (sym $ ap  ϕ  inc (Y , ϕ)) $ happly (α .is-natural (X , Y) (Y , Y) (f , id)) Fxy)
  Coends .F-id = trivial!
  Coends .F-∘ f g = trivial!