module Algebra.Ring.Module.Vec {β} (R : Ring β) where
The module of finite vectorsπ
Fix a ring and choose to be your favourite natural number β or a natural number you totally despise, thatβs fine, too. A basic fact from high school linear algebra is that, for a natural number, βlists of realsβ are a vector space over the field of real numbers Here we prove a generalisation of that fact: lists of elements of are a module over
Fin-vec-module : β n β Module R β Fin-vec-module n = to-module mk where mk : make-module R (Fin n β β R β) mk .make-module.has-is-set = hlevel 2 mk .make-module._+_ f g i = f i R.+ g i mk .make-module.inv f i = R.- f i mk .make-module.0g i = R.0r mk .make-module._β_ f g i = f R.* g i mk .make-module.+-assoc f g h = funext Ξ» i β R.+-associative mk .make-module.+-invl f = funext Ξ» i β R.+-invl mk .make-module.+-idl f = funext Ξ» i β R.+-idl mk .make-module.+-comm f g = funext Ξ» i β R.+-commutes mk .make-module.β-distribl r x y = funext Ξ» i β R.*-distribl mk .make-module.β-distribr r x y = funext Ξ» i β R.*-distribr mk .make-module.β-assoc r s x = funext Ξ» i β R.*-associative mk .make-module.β-id x = funext Ξ» i β R.*-idl
Furthermore, the module of vectors has the following nice property: If is an vector with entries for some other there is a unique linear map which agrees with our original This map is given by linear extension: The vector gives rise to the map which sends to
module _ {β'} (S : Module R β') where private module S = Module-on (S .snd) G' = Module-onβGroup-on (S .snd) β-distr : β {n} r (f : Fin n β β S β) β r S.β β G' f β‘ β G' Ξ» i β r S.β f i β-distr {n = zero} r f = S.β-idr β-distr {n = suc n} r f = r S.β (f fzero S.+ β G' (Ξ» e β f (fsuc e))) β‘β¨ S.β-distribl r (f fzero) _ β©β‘ (r S.β f fzero) S.+ β r S.β β G' (Ξ» e β f (fsuc e)) β β‘β¨ ap! (β-distr {n} r (Ξ» e β f (fsuc e))) β©β‘ (r S.β f fzero) S.+ β G' (Ξ» i β r S.β f (fsuc i)) β
linear-extension : β {n} β (Fin n β β S β) β Linear-map (Fin-vec-module n) S linear-extension fun .map x = β G' Ξ» i β x i S.β fun i linear-extension fun .lin .linear r m n = β G' (Ξ» i β (r R.* m i R.+ n i) S.β fun i) β‘β¨ ap (β G') (funext Ξ» i β S.β-distribr (r R.* m i) (n i) (fun i)) β©β‘ β G' (Ξ» i β (r R.* m i) S.β fun i S.+ n i S.β fun i) β‘β¨ β-split (Module-onβAbelian-group-on (S .snd)) (Ξ» i β (r R.* m i) S.β fun i) _ β©β‘ β β G' (Ξ» i β (r R.* m i) S.β fun i) β S.+ β G' (Ξ» i β n i S.β fun i) β‘β¨ ap! (ap (β G') (funext Ξ» i β sym (S.β-assoc r (m i) _))) β©β‘ β β G' (Ξ» i β r S.β m i S.β fun i) β S.+ β G' (Ξ» i β n i S.β fun i) β‘Λβ¨ apΒ‘ (β-distr r Ξ» i β m i S.β fun i) β©β‘Λ (r S.β β G' (Ξ» i β m i S.β fun i) S.+ β G' Ξ» i β n i S.β fun i) β
As productsπ
To reduce how arbitrary the construction above seems, we show that the module of finite vectors is equivalently the finite product of with itself, times (indirectly justifying the notation while weβre at it). Note that this is a product in the category , not in the category of rings.
open is-indexed-product open Indexed-product Fin-vec-is-product : β {n} β Indexed-product (R-Mod R _) {Idx = Fin n} Ξ» _ β representable-module R Fin-vec-is-product {n} .Ξ F = Fin-vec-module n Fin-vec-is-product .Ο i .hom k = k i Fin-vec-is-product .Ο i .preserves .linear r m n = refl Fin-vec-is-product {n} .has-is-ip .tuple {Y} f = assemble where assemble : R-Mod.Hom Y (Fin-vec-module n) assemble .hom yob ix = f ix Β· yob assemble .preserves .linear r m n = funext Ξ» i β f i .preserves .linear _ _ _ Fin-vec-is-product .has-is-ip .commute = trivial! Fin-vec-is-product .has-is-ip .unique {h = h} f ps = ext Ξ» i ix β ap hom (ps ix) $β i