module Algebra.Ring.Module.Action where
Modules as actions🔗
While the record Module-on
expresses the
structures on a type
including the scalar multiplication and the addition making
into an abelian group, it’s sometimes fruitful
to consider the
structures on an abelian group
which is then regarded as an indivisible unit.
The difference is in the quantification: the latter perspective, developed in this module, allows us to “fix” the addition, and let only the scalar multiplication vary. The ordinary definition of which is consistent with our other algebraic structures, only allows us to vary the underlying type (and the base ring).
record Ring-action {ℓg} {T : Type ℓg} (G : Abelian-group-on T) : Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓg) where instance _ = G field _⋆_ : ⌞ R ⌟ → T → T ⋆-distribl : ∀ r x y → r ⋆ (x + y) ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (r ⋆ y) ⋆-distribr : ∀ r s x → (r R.+ s) ⋆ x ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (s ⋆ x) ⋆-assoc : ∀ r s x → r ⋆ (s ⋆ x) ≡ (r R.* s) ⋆ x ⋆-id : ∀ x → R.1r ⋆ x ≡ x
We refer to an “ structure on an abelian group ” as a ring action of on for short. The definition is unsurprising: we bundle the scalar multiplication together with the proofs that this is, indeed, an structure.
Action→Module-on : ∀ {ℓg} {T : Type ℓg} {G : Abelian-group-on T} → Ring-action G → Module-on R T Action→Module : ∀ {ℓg} (G : Abelian-group ℓg) → Ring-action (G .snd) → Module R ℓg Action→Module-on {G = G} act = mod where instance _ = G mod : Module-on R _ mod .Module-on._+_ = _ mod .Module-on._⋆_ = act .Ring-action._⋆_ mod .Module-on.has-is-mod = record { has-is-ab = G .Abelian-group-on.has-is-ab ; Ring-action act } Action→Module G act .fst = G .fst Action→Module G act .snd = Action→Module-on act
The reason for allowing the extra dimension in quantification is the following theorem: There is an equivalence between actions of on and ring morphisms into the endomorphism ring of
Action→Hom : (G : Abelian-group ℓ) → Ring-action (G .snd) → Rings.Hom R (Endo Ab-ab-category G) Hom→Action : (G : Abelian-group ℓ) → Rings.Hom R (Endo Ab-ab-category G) → Ring-action (G .snd)
Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action._⋆_ x y = rhom · x · y Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-distribl r x y = (rhom · r) .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _ Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-distribr r s x = rhom .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-+ r s ·ₚ x Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-assoc r s x = sym (rhom .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-* r s ·ₚ x) Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-id x = rhom .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-id ·ₚ x Action→Hom G act .hom r .hom = act .Ring-action._⋆_ r Action→Hom G act .hom r .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = act .Ring-action.⋆-distribl r x y Action→Hom G act .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-id = ext λ x → act .Ring-action.⋆-id _ Action→Hom G act .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-+ x y = ext λ x → act .Ring-action.⋆-distribr _ _ _ Action→Hom G act .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-* r s = ext λ x → sym (act .Ring-action.⋆-assoc _ _ _) Action≃Hom : (G : Abelian-group ℓ) → Ring-action (G .snd) ≃ Rings.Hom R (Endo Ab-ab-category G) Action≃Hom G = Iso→Equiv $ Action→Hom G , iso (Hom→Action G) (λ x → trivial!) (λ x → refl)
Abelian groups as Z-modules🔗
A fun consequence of being the initial ring is that every abelian group admits a unique structure. This is, if you ask me, rather amazing! The correspondence is as follows: Because of the delooping-endomorphism ring adjunction, we have a correspondence between “ structures on G” and “ring homomorphisms ” — and since the latter is contractible, so is the former!
ℤ-module-unique : ∀ {ℓ} (G : Abelian-group ℓ) → is-contr (Ring-action Liftℤ (G .snd)) ℤ-module-unique G = Equiv→is-hlevel 0 (Action≃Hom Liftℤ G) (Int-is-initial _)