module Algebra.Quasigroup.Instances.Group where

Groups and quasigroups🔗

Every group is a quasigroup, as multiplication in a group is an equivalence.

  :  {_⋆_ : A  A  A}
   is-group _⋆_
   is-left-quasigroup _⋆_
is-group→is-left-quasigroup {_⋆_ = _⋆_} ⋆-group =
  ⋆-equivl→is-left-quasigroup (hlevel 2) ⋆-equivl
  where open is-group ⋆-group

  :  {_⋆_ : A  A  A}
   is-group _⋆_
   is-right-quasigroup _⋆_
is-group→is-right-quasigroup {_⋆_ = _⋆_} ⋆-group =
  ⋆-equivr→is-right-quasigroup (hlevel 2) ⋆-equivr
  where open is-group ⋆-group

  :  {_⋆_ : A  A  A}
   is-group _⋆_
   is-quasigroup _⋆_
is-group→is-quasigroup {_⋆_ = _⋆_} ⋆-group .is-quasigroup.has-is-left-quasigroup =
  is-group→is-left-quasigroup ⋆-group
is-group→is-quasigroup {_⋆_ = _⋆_} ⋆-group .is-quasigroup.has-is-right-quasigroup =
  is-group→is-right-quasigroup ⋆-group

Associative quasigroups as groups🔗

Conversely, if a quasigroup is merely inhabited and associative, then it is a group.

  :  {_⋆_ : A  A  A}
   (∀ x y z  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z)
   is-quasigroup _⋆_
   is-group _⋆_

We start by observing that is-group is an h-prop, so it suffices to consider the case where is inhabited.

associative+is-quasigroup→is-group {A = A} {_⋆_ = _⋆_} ∥a∥ ⋆-assoc ⋆-quasi =
  rec!  a  to-is-group (⋆-group a)) ∥a∥

Next, a useful technical lemma: if then

      :  {a b x y}
       x  b  a  y
       x  a  b / y

The proof is an elegant bit of algebra. Recall that in a quasigroup, is left and right cancellative, so it suffices to show that:

Next, and so it remains to show that Crucially, is associative, so:

which completes the proof.

    ⧵-/-comm {a} {b} {x} {y} comm =
      ⋆-cancell x $ ⋆-cancelr y $
       (x  (x  a))  y ≡⟨ ap (_⋆ y) (⧵-invr x a) 
       a  y             ≡˘⟨ comm ≡˘
       x  b             ≡˘⟨ ap (x ⋆_) (/-invl b y) ≡˘
       x  ((b / y)  y) ≡⟨ ⋆-assoc x (b / y) y 
       (x  (b / y))  y 

With that out of the way, we shall show that

forms a group for any

    ⋆-group : A  make-group A
    ⋆-group a .group-is-set = hlevel 2
    ⋆-group a .unit = a  a
    ⋆-group a .mul x y = x  y
    ⋆-group a .inv x = (a  a) / x

Associativity is one of our hypotheses, so all that remains is left inverses and left identities. Next, note that

is just one of the quasigroup axioms. Finally, our lemma gives us so we have:

which completes the proof.

    ⋆-group a .assoc x y z =
      ⋆-assoc x y z
    ⋆-group a .invl x =
      /-invl (a  a) x
    ⋆-group a .idl x =
      (a  a)  x ≡⟨ ap (_⋆ x) (⧵-/-comm refl) 
      (x / x)  x ≡⟨ /-invl x x 

Taking a step back, this result demonstrates that associative quasigroups behave like potentially empty groups.