module Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Mate where


Let be a pair of adjunctions, and let and be a pair of functors, fitting together into a diagram

which needn’t necessarily commute. By pasting with the adjunction units and counits, there is an equivalence between the sets of natural transformations and which in one direction sends


We call natural transformations and mates, with respect to the adjunctions and if they correspond under this equivalence.

Unfortunately, proof assistants: if we were to define mates by pasting, we would get a natural transformation with much worse definitional behaviour. Therefore, we calculate the mate of a transformation by hand.

  mate : (X F∘ U) => (U' F∘ Y) β†’ (F' F∘ X) => (Y F∘ F)
  mate Ξ± = nt module mate where
    module Ξ± = _=>_ Ξ±

    nt : (F' F∘ X) => (Y F∘ F)
    nt ._=>_.Ξ· _ =
      Ξ΅' B'.∘ F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)
    nt ._=> x y f =
      (Ξ΅' B'.∘ F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ f)              β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.extendr (B'.pullr (F'.weave (X.weave (F⊣ _ _ _)))) βŸ©β‰‘
      (Ξ΅' B'.∘ F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _)) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ (U.₁ (F.₁ f))) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)  β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.extendl (B'.extendr (F'.weave (Ξ±.is-natural _ _ _))) βŸ©β‰‘
      (Ξ΅' B'.∘ F'.₁ (U'.₁ (Y.₁ (F.₁ f)))) B'.∘ F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·) β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.pushl (F'⊣U' _ _ _) βŸ©β‰‘
      Y.₁ (F.₁ f) B'.∘ (Ξ΅' B'.∘ F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·))               ∎

By a very similar calculation, we can define the mate of

  mate-inv : (F' F∘ X) => (Y F∘ F) β†’ (X F∘ U) => (U' F∘ Y)
  mate-inv Ξ± = nt module mate-inv where
    module Ξ± = _=>_ Ξ±

    nt : (X F∘ U) => (U' F∘ Y)
    nt ._=>_.Ξ· _ =
      U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) A'.∘ Ξ·'
    nt ._=> x y f =
      (U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) A'.∘ Ξ·') A'.∘ X.₁ (U.₁ f)                     β‰‘βŸ¨ A'.extendr (A'.pullr (F'⊣U' _ _ _)) βŸ©β‰‘
      (U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· (U.β‚€ y))) A'.∘ U'.₁ (F'.₁ (X.₁ (U.₁ f))) A'.∘ Ξ·' β‰‘βŸ¨ A'.extendl (A'.extendr (U'.weave (Ξ±.is-natural _ _ _))) βŸ©β‰‘
      (U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Y.₁ (F.₁ (U.₁ f)))) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) A'.∘ Ξ·'        β‰‘βŸ¨ A'.pushl (U'.weave (Y.weave (F⊣ _ _ f))) βŸ©β‰‘
      U'.₁ (Y.₁ f) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) A'.∘ Ξ·'                      ∎

By some rather tedious applications of the triangle identities, we can calculate that the operations mate and mate-inv are inverse equivalences.

  mate-invl : βˆ€ (Ξ± : (F' F∘ X) => (Y F∘ F)) β†’ mate (mate-inv Ξ±) ≑ Ξ±
  mate-invl Ξ± = ext Ξ» _ β†’
    Ξ΅' B'.∘ ⌜ F'.₁ (U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) A'.∘ Ξ·') ⌝ B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)           β‰‘βŸ¨ ap! (F'.F-∘ _ _ βˆ™ (apβ‚‚ B'._∘_ refl (F'.F-∘ _ _))) βŸ©β‰‘
    Ξ΅' B'.∘ (F'.₁ (U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅)) B'.∘ F'.₁ (U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _)) B'.∘ F'.₁ Ξ·') B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·) β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.extendl (B'.pulll (F'⊣U' _ _ _)) βŸ©β‰‘
    (Y.₁ Ξ΅ B'.∘ Ξ΅') B'.∘ (F'.₁ (U'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _)) B'.∘ F'.₁ Ξ·') B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)             β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.extendl (B'.pulll (B'.pullr (F'⊣U' _ _ _))) βŸ©β‰‘
    (Y.₁ Ξ΅ B'.∘ Ξ±.Ξ· _ B'.∘ Ξ΅') B'.∘ F'.₁ Ξ·' B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)                             β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.pulll (B'.pullr (B'.cancelr F'⊣U'.zig)) βŸ©β‰‘
    (Y.₁ Ξ΅ B'.∘ Ξ±.Ξ· _) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)                                                  β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.pullr (Ξ±.is-natural _ _ _) βŸ©β‰‘
    Y.₁ Ξ΅ B'.∘ Y.₁ (F.₁ Ξ·) B'.∘ Ξ±.Ξ· _                                                     β‰‘βŸ¨ B'.cancell (Y.annihilate F⊣U.zig) βŸ©β‰‘
    α.η _                                                                                 ∎
    where module Ξ± = _=>_ Ξ±

  mate-invr : βˆ€ (Ξ± : (X F∘ U) => (U' F∘ Y)) β†’ mate-inv (mate Ξ±) ≑ Ξ±
  mate-invr Ξ± = ext Ξ» _ β†’
    U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ ⌜ U'.₁ (Ξ΅' B'.∘ F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _) B'.∘ F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·)) ⌝ A'.∘ Ξ·'           β‰‘βŸ¨ ap! (U'.F-∘ _ _ βˆ™ (apβ‚‚ A'._∘_ refl (U'.F-∘ _ _))) βŸ©β‰‘
    U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ (U'.₁ Ξ΅' A'.∘ U'.₁ (F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _)) A'.∘ U'.₁ (F'.₁ (X.₁ Ξ·))) A'.∘ Ξ·' β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ A'._∘_ refl (A'.extendr (A'.pullr (sym (F'⊣U' _ _ _)))) βŸ©β‰‘
    U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ (U'.₁ Ξ΅' A'.∘ U'.₁ (F'.₁ (Ξ±.Ξ· _))) A'.∘ Ξ·' A'.∘ X.₁ Ξ·               β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ A'._∘_ refl (A'.pullr (A'.extendl (sym (F'⊣U' _ _ _)))) βŸ©β‰‘
    U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ U'.₁ Ξ΅' A'.∘ Ξ·' A'.∘ Ξ±.Ξ· _ A'.∘ X.₁ Ξ·                               β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ A'._∘_ refl (A'.cancell F'⊣U'.zag) βŸ©β‰‘
    U'.₁ (Y.₁ Ξ΅) A'.∘ Ξ±.Ξ· _ A'.∘ X.₁ Ξ·                                                    β‰‘βŸ¨ A'.pulll (sym (Ξ±.is-natural _ _ _)) βŸ©β‰‘
    (Ξ±.Ξ· _ A'.∘ X.₁ (U.₁ Ξ΅)) A'.∘ X.₁ Ξ·                                                   β‰‘βŸ¨ A'.cancelr (X.annihilate F⊣U.zag) βŸ©β‰‘
    α.η _                                                                                 ∎
    where module Ξ± = _=>_ Ξ±

  mate-is-equiv : is-equiv mate
  mate-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv (iso mate-inv mate-invl mate-invr)