module Cat.Displayed.Instances.Pullback {o β o' β' o'' β''} {X : Precategory o β} {B : Precategory o' β'} (F : Functor X B) (E : Displayed B o'' β'') where
Pullback of a displayed categoryπ
If we have a category displayed over then a functor defines a (contravariant) βchange-of-baseβ action, resulting in a category displayed over
private module X = Precategory X module B = Precategory B module E = Displayed E open Functor F open Displayed open Dr E
The reason for this contravariance is the following: A category displayed over must have a space of objects; But our category has a space of objects. Fortunately, gives us a map which allows us to convert our to The same goes for indexing the displayed
Change-of-base : Displayed X o'' β'' Change-of-base .Ob[_] x = E.Ob[ Fβ x ] Change-of-base .Hom[_] f x y = E.Hom[ Fβ f ] x y Change-of-base .Hom[_]-set f = E.Hom[ Fβ f ]-set Change-of-base .id' = hom[ sym F-id ]' Change-of-base ._β'_ f' g' = hom[ sym (F-β _ _) ] (f' E.β' g')
Proving that the pullback is indeed a displayed category is a bit trickier than it might seem β we must adjust the identity and composites in by the paths witnessing functoriality of and this really throws a spanner in the works β but the handy displayed category reasoning combinators are here to help.
Change-of-base .idr' {f = f} f' = to-pathp $ hom[] (hom[ F-β _ _ ]β» (f' E.β' hom[ F-id ]β» _)) β‘β¨ hom[]β©β¨ smashr _ _ β©β‘ hom[] (hom[] (f' E.β'')) β‘β¨ Ds.disp! E β©β‘ f' β Change-of-base .idl' f' = to-pathp $ hom[] (hom[ F-β _ _ ]β» (hom[ F-id ]β» _ E.β' f')) β‘β¨ hom[]β©β¨ smashl _ _ β©β‘ hom[] (hom[] (' E.β' f')) β‘β¨ Ds.disp! E β©β‘ f' β Change-of-base .assoc' f' g' h' = to-pathp $ hom[ ap Fβ _ ] (hom[ F-β _ _ ]β» (f' E.β' hom[ F-β _ _ ]β» (g' E.β' h'))) β‘β¨ hom[]β©β¨ smashr _ _ β©β‘ hom[] (hom[] (f' E.β' g' E.β' h')) β‘β¨ Ds.disp! E β©β‘ hom[ sym (F-β _ _) ] (hom[ sym (F-β _ _) ] (f' E.β' g') E.β' h') β
As a fibrationπ
is a cartesian fibration, then the base
change of
is also cartesian. To prove this, observe that the object and hom spaces
of Change-of-base
contain the
same data as
just restricted to objects and morphisms in the image of
This means that we still have cartesian lifts of all morphisms in
we just have to perform the lifting of
Change-of-base-fibration : Cartesian-fibration E β Cartesian-fibration Change-of-base Change-of-base-fibration fib f FY' = f-cart-lift where open Cartesian-fibration E fib f-cart-lift : Cartesian-lift Change-of-base f FY' f-cart-lift .Cartesian-lift.x' = Fβ f ^* FY' f-cart-lift .Cartesian-lift.lifting = Ο* (Fβ f) FY' f-cart-lift .Cartesian-lift.cartesian .is-cartesian.universal m h' = Ο*.universal (Fβ m) (hom[ F-β f m ] h') f-cart-lift .Cartesian-lift.cartesian .is-cartesian.commutes m h' = hom[ F-β f m ]β» (Ο* (Fβ f) FY' E.β' Ο*.universal (Fβ m) (hom[ F-β f m ] h')) β‘β¨ ap hom[ F-β f m ]β» (Ο*.commutes _ _) β©β‘ hom[ F-β f m ]β» (hom[ F-β f m ] h') β‘β¨ Ds.disp! E β©β‘ h' β f-cart-lift .Cartesian-lift.cartesian .is-cartesian.unique {m = m} {h' = h'} m' p = Ο*.unique m' $ Ο* (Fβ f) FY' E.β' m' β‘β¨ Ds.disp! E β©β‘ hom[ F-β f m ] (hom[ F-β f m ]β» (Ο* (Fβ f) FY' E.β' m')) β‘β¨ ap hom[ F-β f m ] p β©β‘ hom[ F-β f m ] h' β