module Cat.Displayed.Instances.Chaotic {o ℓ o' ℓ'} (B : Precategory o ℓ) (J : Precategory o' ℓ') where private module B = Cat.Reasoning B module J = Cat.Reasoning J open Functor open Displayed open Total-hom
The chaotic bifibration🔗
Let and be precategories. We define the chaotic bifibration of over to be the displayed category where we trivially fibre over disregarding the structure of entirely.
Chaotic : Displayed B o' ℓ' Chaotic. Ob[_] _ = J.Ob Chaotic .Hom[_] _ = J.Hom Chaotic .Hom[_]-set _ = J.Hom-set Chaotic .id' = Chaotic ._∘'_ = J._∘_ Chaotic .idr' = J.idr Chaotic .idl' = J.idl Chaotic .assoc' = J.assoc
Note that the only cartesian morphisms in the chaotic bifibration are the isomorphisms in
chaotic-cartesian→is-iso : ∀ {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y} {g : J.Hom x' y'} → is-cartesian Chaotic f g → g chaotic-cartesian→is-iso cart = J.make-invertible (universal (commutes (unique _ (J.cancell (commutes ∙ sym (unique {m =} (J.idr _))) where open is-cartesian cart is-iso→chaotic-cartesian : ∀ {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y} {g : J.Hom x' y'} → g → is-cartesian Chaotic f g is-iso→chaotic-cartesian {f = f} {g = g} is-inv = cart where open is-inv open is-cartesian cart : is-cartesian Chaotic f g cart .universal _ h = inv J.∘ h cart .commutes _ h = J.cancell invl cart .unique {h' = h} m p = m ≡⟨ J.introl invr ⟩≡ (inv J.∘ g) J.∘ m ≡⟨ J.pullr p ⟩≡ inv J.∘ h ∎
This implies that the chaotic fibration is a fibration, as
is invertible, and also lies above every morphism in
We could use our lemmas from before to show this, but doing it by hand
lets us avoid an extra id
composite when constructing the
universal map.
Chaotic-fibration : Cartesian-fibration Chaotic Chaotic-fibration f y = cart-lift where open Cartesian-lift open is-cartesian cart-lift : Cartesian-lift Chaotic f y cart-lift .x' = y cart-lift .lifting = cart-lift .cartesian .universal _ g = g cart-lift .cartesian .commutes _ g = J.idl g cart-lift .cartesian .unique m p = sym (J.idl m) ∙ p
We observe a similar situation for cocartesian morphisms.
chaotic-cocartesian→is-iso : ∀ {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y} {g : J.Hom x' y'} → is-cocartesian Chaotic f g → g chaotic-cocartesian→is-iso cocart = J.make-invertible (universal (unique _ (J.cancelr (commutes ∙ sym (unique {m =} (J.idl _))) (commutes where open is-cocartesian cocart is-iso→chaotic-cocartesian : ∀ {x y x' y'} {f : B.Hom x y} {g : J.Hom x' y'} → g → is-cocartesian Chaotic f g is-iso→chaotic-cocartesian {f = f} {g = g} is-inv = cocart where open is-inv open is-cocartesian cocart : is-cocartesian Chaotic f g cocart .universal _ h = h J.∘ inv cocart .commutes _ h = J.cancelr invr cocart .unique {h' = h} m p = m ≡⟨ J.intror invl ⟩≡ m J.∘ g J.∘ inv ≡⟨ J.pulll p ⟩≡ h J.∘ inv ∎ Chaotic-opfibration : Cocartesian-fibration Chaotic Chaotic-opfibration f x' = cocart-lift where open Cocartesian-lift open is-cocartesian cocart-lift : Cocartesian-lift Chaotic f x' cocart-lift .y' = x' cocart-lift .lifting = cocart-lift .cocartesian .universal _ g = g cocart-lift .cocartesian .commutes _ g = J.idr g cocart-lift .cocartesian .unique m p = sym (J.idr m) ∙ p
This implies that the chaotic bifibration actually lives up to its name.
Chaotic-bifibration : is-bifibration Chaotic Chaotic-bifibration .is-bifibration.fibration = Chaotic-fibration Chaotic-bifibration .is-bifibration.opfibration = Chaotic-opfibration
Fibre categories🔗
Unsurprisingly, the fibre categories of the chaotic bifibration are isomorphic to
ChaoticFib : ∀ x → Functor J (Fibre Chaotic x) ChaoticFib x .F₀ j = j ChaoticFib x .F₁ f = f ChaoticFib x .F-id = refl ChaoticFib x .F-∘ _ _ = sym (transport-refl _) ChaoticFib-is-iso : ∀ x → is-precat-iso (ChaoticFib x) ChaoticFib-is-iso x .is-precat-iso.has-is-ff = id-equiv ChaoticFib-is-iso x .is-precat-iso.has-is-iso = id-equiv
Total category🔗
The total category of the chaotic bifibration is isomorphic to the product of and
ChaoticTotal : Functor (B ×ᶜ J) (∫ Chaotic) ChaoticTotal .F₀ bj = bj ChaoticTotal .F₁ (f , g) = total-hom f g ChaoticTotal .F-id = total-hom-path Chaotic refl refl ChaoticTotal .F-∘ f g = total-hom-path Chaotic refl refl ChaoticTotal-is-iso : is-precat-iso ChaoticTotal ChaoticTotal-is-iso .is-precat-iso.has-is-ff = is-iso→is-equiv (iso (λ f → f .hom , f .preserves) (λ _ → total-hom-path Chaotic refl refl) (λ _ → refl)) ChaoticTotal-is-iso .is-precat-iso.has-is-iso = id-equiv