module Cat.Allegory.Morphism {o ℓ ℓ'} (A : Allegory o ℓ ℓ') where
open Cat.Allegory.Reasoning A public open Cat.Diagram.Idempotent cat public private variable w x y z : Ob a b c f g h : Hom x y
Morphisms in an allegory🔗
This module defines a couple of important classes of morphisms that can be found in an allegory.
Reflexive morphisms🔗
A morphism in an allegory is reflexive if
is-reflexive : Hom x x → Type _ is-reflexive f = id ≤ f
The composition of two reflexive morphisms is reflexive, and the identity morphism is trivially reflexive.
reflexive-id : is-reflexive (id {x}) reflexive-id = ≤-refl reflexive-∘ : is-reflexive f → is-reflexive g → is-reflexive (f ∘ g) reflexive-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-refl g-refl = id =⟨ sym (idl _) ⟩= id ∘ id ≤⟨ f-refl ◆ g-refl ⟩≤ f ∘ g ≤∎
The intersection of reflexive morphisms is reflexive.
reflexive-∩ : is-reflexive f → is-reflexive g → is-reflexive (f ∩ g) reflexive-∩ f-refl g-refl = ∩-univ f-refl g-refl
The dual of a reflexive morphism is also reflexive.
reflexive-dual : is-reflexive f → is-reflexive (f †) reflexive-dual {f = f} f-refl = dual-≤ᵣ A $ id † =⟨ dual-id A ⟩= id ≤⟨ f-refl ⟩≤ f ≤∎
If and is reflexive, then is reflexive.
reflexive-≤ : f ≤ g → is-reflexive f → is-reflexive g reflexive-≤ w f-refl = ≤-trans f-refl w
If is reflexive, then
reflexive→diagonal : is-reflexive f → id ≤ f ∩ f † reflexive→diagonal f-refl = ∩-univ f-refl (reflexive-dual f-refl)
Symmetric morphisms🔗
A morphism is symmetric if
is-symmetric : Hom x x → Type _ is-symmetric f = f ≤ f †
The identity morphism is trivially symmetric.
symmetric-id : is-symmetric (id {x}) symmetric-id {x = x} = subst (id {x} ≤_) (sym $ dual-id A) (≤-refl {f = id {x}})
The composition of symmetric morphisms and is symmetric if
symmetric-∘ : is-symmetric f → is-symmetric g → g ∘ f ≤ f ∘ g → is-symmetric (f ∘ g) symmetric-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-sym g-sym w = f ∘ g ≤⟨ f-sym ◆ g-sym ⟩≤ f † ∘ g † =⟨ sym dual-∘ ⟩= (g ∘ f) † ≤⟨ dual-≤ w ⟩≤ (f ∘ g) † ≤∎
The dual of a symmetric morphism is symmetric.
symmetric-dual : is-symmetric f → is-symmetric (f †) symmetric-dual {f = f} f-sym = dual-≤ᵣ A $ f † † =⟨ dual f ⟩= f ≤⟨ f-sym ⟩≤ f † ≤∎
The intersection of symmetric morphisms is symmetric.
symmetric-∩ : is-symmetric f → is-symmetric g → is-symmetric (f ∩ g) symmetric-∩ {f = f} {g = g} f-sym g-sym = f ∩ g ≤⟨ ∩-pres f-sym g-sym ⟩≤ f † ∩ g † =⟨ sym $ dual-∩ A ⟩= (f ∩ g) † ≤∎
If is symmetric, then it is equal to its dual.
symmetric→self-dual : is-symmetric f → f ≡ f † symmetric→self-dual f-sym = ≤-antisym f-sym (dual-≤ₗ A f-sym)
Transitive morphisms🔗
A morphism is transitive if
is-transitive : Hom x x → Type _ is-transitive f = f ∘ f ≤ f
The identity morphism is transitive.
transitive-id : is-transitive (id {x}) transitive-id = ≤-eliml ≤-refl
The composition of two transitive morphisms and is transitive if
transitive-∘ : is-transitive f → is-transitive g → g ∘ f ≤ f ∘ g → is-transitive (f ∘ g) transitive-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-trans g-trans w = (f ∘ g) ∘ (f ∘ g) ≤⟨ ≤-extend-inner w ⟩≤ (f ∘ f) ∘ (g ∘ g) ≤⟨ f-trans ◆ g-trans ⟩≤ f ∘ g ≤∎
A useful little lemma is that if is transitive, then
transitive-∩l : is-transitive f → (f ∩ g) ∘ (f ∩ h) ≤ f transitive-∩l f-trans = ≤-trans (∩-le-l ◆ ∩-le-l) f-trans transitive-∩r : is-transitive h → (f ∩ h) ∘ (g ∩ h) ≤ h transitive-∩r h-trans = ≤-trans (∩-le-r ◆ ∩-le-r) h-trans
We can use these lemmas to show that the intersection of transitive morphisms is transitive.
transitive-∩ : is-transitive f → is-transitive g → is-transitive (f ∩ g) transitive-∩ {f = f} {g = g} f-trans g-trans = ∩-univ (transitive-∩l f-trans) (transitive-∩r g-trans)
If is transitive, then so is its dual.
transitive-dual : is-transitive f → is-transitive (f †) transitive-dual {f = f} f-trans = f † ∘ f † =⟨ sym dual-∘ ⟩= (f ∘ f) † ≤⟨ dual-≤ f-trans ⟩≤ f † ≤∎
Cotransitive morphisms🔗
A morphism is cotransitive if
There is another notion of cotransitive relation, which stipulates that for all if then either or This is a poor choice of a name, as it is not a transitive relation in
Other sources call cotransitive morphisms “symmetric idempotents”, though we avoid this terminology, as cotranstive morphisms are not symmetric.
is-cotransitive : Hom x x → Type _ is-cotransitive f = f ≤ f ∘ f
The identity morphism is cotransitive.
cotransitive-id : is-cotransitive (id {x}) cotransitive-id = ≤-introl ≤-refl
The composition of two cotransitive morphisms and is cotransitive if
cotransitive-∘ : is-cotransitive f → is-cotransitive g → f ∘ g ≤ g ∘ f → is-cotransitive (f ∘ g) cotransitive-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-cotrans g-cotrans w = f ∘ g ≤⟨ f-cotrans ◆ g-cotrans ⟩≤ (f ∘ f) ∘ (g ∘ g) ≤⟨ ≤-extend-inner w ⟩≤ (f ∘ g) ∘ (f ∘ g) ≤∎
If the intersection of and is cotransitive, then
cotransitive-∩-∘ : is-cotransitive (f ∩ g) → f ∩ g ≤ f ∘ g cotransitive-∩-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f∩g-cotrans = f ∩ g ≤⟨ f∩g-cotrans ⟩≤ (f ∩ g) ∘ (f ∩ g) ≤⟨ ∩-le-l ◆ ∩-le-r ⟩≤ f ∘ g ≤∎
If is reflexive, then it is cotransitive.
reflexive→cotransitive : is-reflexive f → is-cotransitive f reflexive→cotransitive {f = f} f-refl = f =⟨ sym (idl f) ⟩= id ∘ f ≤⟨ f-refl ◀ f ⟩≤ f ∘ f ≤∎
If is transitive and symmetric, then it is cotransitive.
transitive+symmetric→cotransitive : is-transitive f → is-symmetric f → is-cotransitive f transitive+symmetric→cotransitive {f = f} f-trans f-sym = f ≤⟨ ≤-conj f ⟩≤ f ∘ f † ∘ f ≤⟨ f ▶ dual-≤ₗ A f-sym ◀ f ⟩≤ f ∘ f ∘ f ≤⟨ f ▶ f-trans ⟩≤ f ∘ f ≤∎
Coreflexive morphisms🔗
is-coreflexive : Hom x x → Type _ is-coreflexive f = f ≤ id
The composition of two coreflexive morphisms is coreflexive, and the identity morphism is trivially coreflexive.
coreflexive-∘ : is-coreflexive f → is-coreflexive g → is-coreflexive (f ∘ g) coreflexive-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-corefl g-corefl = f ∘ g ≤⟨ f-corefl ◆ g-corefl ⟩≤ id ∘ id =⟨ idl _ ⟩= id ≤∎ coreflexive-id : is-coreflexive (id {x}) coreflexive-id = ≤-refl
Coreflexive morphisms are closed under intersection.
coreflexive-∩ : ∀ {x} {f g : Hom x x} → is-coreflexive f → is-coreflexive g → is-coreflexive (f ∩ g) coreflexive-∩ {f = f} {g = g} f-corefl g-corefl = f ∩ g ≤⟨ ∩-pres f-corefl g-corefl ⟩≤ id ∩ id =⟨ ∩-idempotent ⟩= id ≤∎
Coreflexive morphisms are closed under duals.
coreflexive-dual : is-coreflexive f → is-coreflexive (f †) coreflexive-dual {f = f} f-corefl = dual-≤ₗ A $ f ≤⟨ f-corefl ⟩≤ id =⟨ sym $ dual-id A ⟩= id † ≤∎
If and is coreflexive, then is coreflexive.
coreflexive-≤ : f ≤ g → is-coreflexive g → is-coreflexive f coreflexive-≤ w g-corefl = ≤-trans w g-corefl
is coreflexive, then it is transitive, cotransitive, and symmetric.
Coreflexive morphisms are also anti-symmetric, see coreflexive→antisymmetric
coreflexive→transitive : is-coreflexive f → is-transitive f coreflexive→transitive {f = f} f-corefl = f ∘ f ≤⟨ f-corefl ◀ f ⟩≤ id ∘ f =⟨ idl _ ⟩= f ≤∎ coreflexive→cotransitive : is-coreflexive f → is-cotransitive f coreflexive→cotransitive {f = f} f-corefl = f ≤⟨ ≤-conj f ⟩≤ f ∘ f † ∘ f ≤⟨ f ▶ ≤-eliml (coreflexive-dual f-corefl) ⟩≤ f ∘ f ≤∎ coreflexive→symmetric : is-coreflexive f → is-symmetric f coreflexive→symmetric {f = f} f-corefl = f ≤⟨ ≤-conj f ⟩≤ f ∘ f † ∘ f ≤⟨ f-corefl ◆ ≤-refl ◆ f-corefl ⟩≤ id ∘ f † ∘ id =⟨ idl _ ∙ idr _ ⟩= f † ≤∎
As coreflexive morphisms are both transitive ( and cotransitive ( they are idempotent.
coreflexive→idempotent : is-coreflexive f → is-idempotent f coreflexive→idempotent f-corefl = ≤-antisym (coreflexive→transitive f-corefl) (coreflexive→cotransitive f-corefl)
Furthermore, composition of coreflexive morphisms is equivalent to intersection.
coreflexive-∘-∩ : ∀ {x} {f g : Hom x x} → is-coreflexive f → is-coreflexive g → f ∘ g ≡ f ∩ g coreflexive-∘-∩ {f = f} {g = g} f-corefl g-corefl = ≤-antisym ≤-to ≤-from where ≤-to : f ∘ g ≤ f ∩ g ≤-to = ∩-univ (≤-elimr g-corefl) (≤-eliml f-corefl) ≤-from : f ∩ g ≤ f ∘ g ≤-from = cotransitive-∩-∘ $ coreflexive→cotransitive $ coreflexive-∩ f-corefl g-corefl
This has a useful corollary: coreflexive morphisms always commute!
coreflexive-comm : ∀ {x} {f g : Hom x x} → is-coreflexive f → is-coreflexive g → f ∘ g ≡ g ∘ f coreflexive-comm f-corefl g-corefl = coreflexive-∘-∩ f-corefl g-corefl ·· ∩-comm ·· sym (coreflexive-∘-∩ g-corefl f-corefl)
Functional morphisms🔗
A morphism is functional when In these are the relations such that every is related to at most one To see this, note that is defined as Therefore, means that if there exists any such that and then and must be equal. Put more plainly, every is related to at most one
is-functional : Hom x y → Type _ is-functional f = f ∘ f † ≤ id
First, a useful lemma: coreflexive morphisms are always functional.
coreflexive→functional : is-coreflexive f → is-functional f coreflexive→functional f-corefl = coreflexive-∘ f-corefl (coreflexive-dual f-corefl)
This immediately implies that the identity morphism is functional.
functional-id : is-functional (id {x}) functional-id = coreflexive→functional coreflexive-id
Functional morphisms are closed under composition and intersection.
functional-∘ : is-functional f → is-functional g → is-functional (f ∘ g) functional-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-func g-func = (f ∘ g) ∘ (f ∘ g) † ≤⟨ †-cancel-inner g-func ⟩≤ f ∘ f † ≤⟨ f-func ⟩≤ id ≤∎ functional-∩ : is-functional f → is-functional g → is-functional (f ∩ g) functional-∩ {f = f} {g = g} f-func g-func = (f ∩ g) ∘ (f ∩ g) † =⟨ ap ((f ∩ g) ∘_) (dual-∩ A) ⟩= (f ∩ g) ∘ (f † ∩ g †) ≤⟨ ∩-distrib ⟩≤ (f ∘ f † ∩ g ∘ f †) ∩ (f ∘ g † ∩ g ∘ g †) ≤⟨ ∩-pres ∩-le-l ∩-le-r ⟩≤ f ∘ f † ∩ g ∘ g † ≤⟨ ∩-pres f-func g-func ⟩≤ id ∩ id =⟨ ∩-idempotent ⟩= id ≤∎
Entire morphisms🔗
A morphism is entire when In these are the relations where each must be related to at least one To see this, recall that is defined as If then we can reduce this statement down to
is-entire : Hom x y → Type _ is-entire f = id ≤ f † ∘ f
Reflexive morphisms are always entire.
reflexive→entire : is-reflexive f → is-entire f reflexive→entire f-refl = reflexive-∘ (reflexive-dual f-refl) f-refl
From this, we can deduce that the identity morphism is entire.
entire-id : is-entire (id {x}) entire-id = reflexive→entire reflexive-id
Entire morphisms are closed under composition.
entire-∘ : is-entire f → is-entire g → is-entire (f ∘ g) entire-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-entire g-entire = id ≤⟨ g-entire ⟩≤ g † ∘ g ≤⟨ g † ▶ ≤-introl f-entire ⟩≤ g † ∘ (f † ∘ f) ∘ g =⟨ extendl (pulll (sym dual-∘)) ⟩= (f ∘ g) † ∘ (f ∘ g) ≤∎
The domain of a morphism is defined as denoted In the domain of a relation is a relation that relates two elements whenever and for some
domain : Hom x y → Hom x x domain f = id ∩ f † ∘ f
The domain of a morphism is always coreflexive.
domain-coreflexive : ∀ (f : Hom x y) → is-coreflexive (domain f) domain-coreflexive f = ∩-le-l
domain-elimr : f ∘ domain g ≤ f domain-elimr = ≤-elimr (domain-coreflexive _) domain-eliml : domain f ∘ g ≤ g domain-eliml = ≤-eliml (domain-coreflexive _) domain-idempotent : is-idempotent (domain f) domain-idempotent = coreflexive→idempotent (domain-coreflexive _) domain-dual : domain f † ≡ domain f domain-dual = sym (symmetric→self-dual (coreflexive→symmetric (domain-coreflexive _))) domain-comm : domain f ∘ domain g ≡ domain g ∘ domain f domain-comm = coreflexive-comm (domain-coreflexive _) (domain-coreflexive _)
Furthermore, the domain enjoys the following universal property: Let and such that is coreflexive. Then if and only if
domain-universalr : is-coreflexive g → domain f ≤ g → f ≤ f ∘ g domain-universalr {g = g} {f = f} g-corefl w = f ≤⟨ ∩-univ (≤-intror ≤-refl) ≤-refl ⟩≤ (f ∘ id) ∩ f ≤⟨ modular id f f ⟩≤ f ∘ (id ∩ f † ∘ f) ≤⟨ f ▶ w ⟩≤ f ∘ g ≤∎ domain-universall : is-coreflexive g → f ≤ f ∘ g → domain f ≤ g domain-universall {g = g} {f = f} g-corefl w = id ∩ (f † ∘ f) ≤⟨ ∩-pres-r (≤-pushr w) ⟩≤ id ∩ ((f † ∘ f) ∘ g) =⟨ ∩-comm ⟩= ((f † ∘ f) ∘ g) ∩ id ≤⟨ modular' g (f † ∘ f) id ⟩≤ (f † ∘ f ∩ id ∘ g †) ∘ g ≤⟨ ≤-trans ∩-le-r (≤-eliml ≤-refl) ◀ g ⟩≤ g † ∘ g ≤⟨ ≤-eliml (coreflexive-dual g-corefl) ⟩≤ g ≤∎
This has a nice corollary:
domain-absorb : ∀ (f : Hom x y) → f ∘ domain f ≡ f domain-absorb f = ≤-antisym domain-elimr (domain-universalr (domain-coreflexive f) ≤-refl)
We can nicely characterize the domain of an intersection.
domain-∩ : domain (f ∩ g) ≡ id ∩ f † ∘ g domain-∩ {f = f} {g = g} = ≤-antisym ≤-to ≤-from where ≤-to : domain (f ∩ g) ≤ id ∩ f † ∘ g ≤-to = ∩-univ (domain-coreflexive (f ∩ g)) (≤-trans ∩-le-r (dual-≤ ∩-le-l ◆ ∩-le-r)) ≤-from : id ∩ f † ∘ g ≤ domain (f ∩ g) ≤-from = id ∩ f † ∘ g ≤⟨ ∩-univ ∩-le-l (∩-univ (∩-univ ∩-le-r ∩-le-l) ∩-le-l ) ⟩≤ id ∩ (f † ∘ g ∩ id) ∩ id ≤⟨ ∩-pres-r (∩-pres-l (modular g (f †) id)) ⟩≤ id ∩ (f † ∘ (g ∩ ⌜ f † † ∘ id ⌝)) ∩ id =⟨ ap! (idr _ ∙ dual f) ⟩= id ∩ (f † ∘ (g ∩ f)) ∩ id ≤⟨ ∩-pres-r (modular' (g ∩ f) (f †) id) ⟩≤ id ∩ (f † ∩ ⌜ id ∘ (g ∩ f) † ⌝) ∘ (g ∩ f) =⟨ ap! (idl _) ⟩= id ∩ (f † ∩ ⌜ g ∩ f ⌝ †) ∘ ⌜ g ∩ f ⌝ =⟨ ap! ∩-comm ⟩= id ∩ (f † ∩ (f ∩ g) †) ∘ (f ∩ g) ≤⟨ ∩-pres-r (∩-le-r ◀ (f ∩ g)) ⟩≤ id ∩ (f ∩ g) † ∘ (f ∩ g) ≤∎
Furthermore, the domain of is contained in the domain of
domain-∘ : domain (f ∘ g) ≤ domain g domain-∘ {f = f} {g = g} = domain-universall (domain-coreflexive g) $ ≤-pushr (domain-universalr (domain-coreflexive g) ≤-refl)
If then
domain-≤ : f ≤ g → domain f ≤ domain g domain-≤ w = ∩-pres-r (dual-≤ w ◆ w)
The domain of the identity morphism is simply the identity morphism.
domain-id : domain (id {x}) ≡ id domain-id = ≤-antisym ∩-le-l (∩-univ ≤-refl (≤-introl symmetric-id))
Characterizing composition of domains is somewhat more difficult, though it is possible. Namely, we shall show the following:
domain-smashr : ∀ (f : Hom x z) (g : Hom x y) → domain (f ∘ domain g) ≡ domain f ∘ domain g domain-smashr f g = ≤-antisym ≤-to ≤-from where
We begin by noting that the composition is coreflexive.
fg-corefl : is-coreflexive (domain f ∘ domain g) fg-corefl = coreflexive-∘ (domain-coreflexive f) (domain-coreflexive g)
To show the forward direction, we can apply the universal property of domains to transform the goal into
We can then solve this goal by repeatedly appealing to the fact that domains are coreflexive.
≤-to : domain (f ∘ domain g) ≤ domain f ∘ domain g ≤-to = domain-universall fg-corefl $ f ∘ domain g =˘⟨ ap₂ _∘_ (domain-absorb f) domain-idempotent ⟩=˘ (f ∘ domain f) ∘ (domain g ∘ domain g) =⟨ extendl (extendr domain-comm) ⟩= (f ∘ domain g) ∘ (domain f ∘ domain g) ≤∎
To show the reverse direction, we apply the universal property of the intersection, reducing the goal to
We then solve the goal by an extended series of appeals to the coreflexivity of domains.
≤-from : domain f ∘ domain g ≤ domain (f ∘ domain g) ≤-from = ∩-univ fg-corefl $ domain f ∘ domain g =˘⟨ ap (domain f ∘_) domain-idempotent ⟩=˘ domain f ∘ domain g ∘ domain g =⟨ extendl domain-comm ⟩= domain g ∘ domain f ∘ domain g =⟨ ap (_∘ domain f ∘ domain g) (sym domain-dual) ⟩= domain g † ∘ domain f ∘ domain g ≤⟨ domain g † ▶ ∩-le-r ◀ domain g ⟩≤ domain g † ∘ (f † ∘ f) ∘ domain g =⟨ extendl (pulll (sym dual-∘)) ⟩= (f ∘ domain g) † ∘ f ∘ domain g ≤∎
We can also characterize postcomposition by a domain, though this is restricted to an inequality in the general case.
domain-swapl : ∀ (f : Hom y z) (g : Hom x y) → domain f ∘ g ≤ g ∘ domain (f ∘ g) domain-swapl f g = (id ∩ (f † ∘ f)) ∘ g ≤⟨ ∩-distribr ⟩≤ (id ∘ g ∩ (f † ∘ f) ∘ g) =⟨ ap₂ _∩_ id-comm-sym (sym (assoc (f †) f g)) ⟩= (g ∘ id ∩ f † ∘ f ∘ g) ≤⟨ modular id g (f † ∘ f ∘ g) ⟩≤ g ∘ (id ∩ ⌜ g † ∘ f † ∘ f ∘ g ⌝) =⟨ ap! (pulll (sym dual-∘)) ⟩= g ∘ (id ∩ (f ∘ g) † ∘ (f ∘ g)) ≤∎
We can strengthen this to an equality when is functional.
domain-swap : ∀ (f : Hom y z) (g : Hom x y) → is-functional g → domain f ∘ g ≡ g ∘ domain (f ∘ g) domain-swap f g w = ≤-antisym (domain-swapl f g) $ g ∘ (id ∩ (f ∘ g) † ∘ (f ∘ g)) ≤⟨ ∩-distribl ⟩≤ g ∘ id ∩ g ∘ (f ∘ g) † ∘ (f ∘ g) ≤⟨ ∩-pres-r (≤-extendl (†-pulll w)) ⟩≤ g ∘ id ∩ id ∘ f † ∘ f ∘ g =⟨ ap₂ _∩_ id-comm (idl _) ⟩= id ∘ g ∩ f † ∘ f ∘ g ≤⟨ modular' g id (f † ∘ f ∘ g) ⟩≤ (id ∩ (f † ∘ f ∘ g) ∘ g †) ∘ g ≤⟨ ∩-pres-r (≤-pullr (≤-cancelr w)) ◀ g ⟩≤ (id ∩ f † ∘ f) ∘ g ≤∎
We also note that domains are always functional.
domain-functional : (f : Hom x y) → is-functional (domain f) domain-functional f = coreflexive→functional (domain-coreflexive f)
The domain of an entire morphism is the identity.
domain-entire : is-entire f → domain f ≡ id domain-entire f-entire = ≤-antisym (domain-coreflexive _) (∩-univ ≤-refl f-entire)
Antisymmetric morphisms🔗
A morphism is anti-symmetric if
is-antisymmetric : Hom x x → Type _ is-antisymmetric f = f ∩ f † ≤ id
Identity morphisms are anti-symmetric.
antisymmetric-id : is-antisymmetric (id {x}) antisymmetric-id = id ∩ ⌜ id † ⌝ =⟨ ap! (dual-id A) ⟩= id ∩ id =⟨ ∩-idempotent ⟩= id ≤∎
If and is anti-symmetric, then is anti-symmetric.
antisymmetric-≤ : f ≤ g → is-antisymmetric g → is-antisymmetric f antisymmetric-≤ {f = f} {g = g} w g-antisym = f ∩ f † ≤⟨ ∩-pres w (dual-≤ w) ⟩≤ g ∩ g † ≤⟨ g-antisym ⟩≤ id ≤∎
If is anti-symmetric and reflexive, then
reflexive+antisymmetric→diagonal : is-reflexive f → is-antisymmetric f → f ∩ f † ≡ id reflexive+antisymmetric→diagonal f-refl f-antisym = ≤-antisym f-antisym (reflexive→diagonal f-refl)
If is coreflexive, then it is anti-symmetric.
coreflexive→antisymmetric : is-coreflexive f → is-antisymmetric f coreflexive→antisymmetric {f = f} f-corefl = f ∩ f † ≤⟨ ∩-pres f-corefl (coreflexive-dual f-corefl) ⟩≤ id ∩ id =⟨ ∩-idempotent ⟩= id ≤∎