module Homotopy.Pushout where


Given the following span:

The pushout of this span is defined as the higher inductive type presented by:
data Pushout {} (C : Type )
                 (A : Type ) (f : C  A)
                 (B : Type ) (g : C  B)
                 : Type  where
  inl : A  Pushout C A f B g
  inr : B  Pushout C A f B g
  commutes :  c  inl (f c)  inr (g c)

These combine to give the following:

Suspensions as pushouts🔗

The suspension of a type can be expressed as the Pushout of the span

There is only one element of , and hence only one choice for the function projecting into - const tt.

If one considers the structure we’re creating, it becomes very obvious that this is equivalent to suspension - because both of our non-path constructors have input , they’re indistiguishable from members of the pushout; therefore, we take the inl and inr to N and S respectively. Likewise, we take commutes to merid.

Susp≡Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ :  {A}  Susp A  Pushout A  (const tt)  (const tt)

Susp→Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ :  {A}  Susp A  Pushout A  (const tt)  (const tt)
Susp→Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ N = inl tt
Susp→Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ S = inr tt
Susp→Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ (merid x i) = commutes x i

Pushout-⊤←A→⊤-to-Susp :  {A}  Pushout A  (const tt)  (const tt)  Susp A
Pushout-⊤←A→⊤-to-Susp (inl x) = N
Pushout-⊤←A→⊤-to-Susp (inr x) = S
Pushout-⊤←A→⊤-to-Susp (commutes c i) = merid c i

So we then have:

Susp≡Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ = ua (Susp→Pushout-⊤←A→⊤ , is-iso→is-equiv iso-pf) where
We then verify that our two functions above are in fact an equivalence. This is entirely refl, due to the noted similarities in structure.
  open is-iso

  iso-pf : is-iso Susp→Pushout-⊤←A→⊤
  iso-pf .inv = Pushout-⊤←A→⊤-to-Susp 
  iso-pf .rinv (inl x) = refl
  iso-pf .rinv (inr x) = refl
  iso-pf .rinv (commutes c i) = refl
  iso-pf .linv N = refl
  iso-pf .linv S = refl
  iso-pf .linv (merid x i) = refl

The universal property of pushouts🔗

To formulate the universal property of a pushout, we first introduce cocones. A Cocone, given a type D and a span:

consists of functions and a homotopy forming:

One can then note the similarities between this definition, and our previous Pushout definition. We denote the type of Cocones as:

Cocone : {C A B : Type}  (f : C  A)  (g : C  B)  (D : Type)  Type
Cocone {C} {A} {B} f g D =
  Σ[ i  (A  D) ]
    Σ[ j  (B  D) ]
      ((c : C)  i (f c)  j (g c))

We can then show that the canonical Cocone consisting of a Pushout is the universal Cocone.

Pushout-is-universal-cocone :  {A B C E f g}  (Pushout C A f B g  E)  (Cocone f g E)
Pushout-is-universal-cocone = ua ( Pushout→Cocone , is-iso→is-equiv iso-pc ) where
Once again we show that the above is an equivalence; this proof is essentially a transcription of Lemma 6.8.2 in the HoTT book, and again mostly reduces to refl.
  open is-iso

  Pushout→Cocone :  {A B C E f g}  (Pushout C A f B g  E)  Cocone f g E
  Cocone→Pushout :  {A B C E f g}  Cocone f g E  (Pushout C A f B g  E)
  iso-pc : is-iso Pushout→Cocone

  Pushout→Cocone t =  x  t (inl x)) ,
                      x  t (inr x)) ,
                      c i  ap t (commutes c) i)

  Cocone→Pushout t (inl x) = fst t x 
  Cocone→Pushout t (inr x) = fst (snd t) x
  Cocone→Pushout t (commutes c i) = snd (snd t) c i

  iso-pc .inv = Cocone→Pushout
  iso-pc .rinv _ = refl
  iso-pc .linv _ = funext  { (inl y)  refl;
                                (inr y)  refl;
                                (commutes c i)  refl