module 1Lab.Equiv.FromPath {ℓ} (P : (i : I) → Type ℓ) where
Equivs from paths🔗
In (Cohen
et al. 2016), a direct cubical construction of an
equivalence A ≃ B
from a path A ≡ B
presented. This is in contrast with the indirect definition,
transporting the identity equivalence along the path:
private badPathToEquiv : P i0 ≃ P i1 badPathToEquiv = transport (λ i → P i0 ≃ P i) (id , id-equiv)
While is-equiv
a proposition – and thus the particular proof does not matter
propositionally – Agda is still a programming language, so we still need
to evaluate the proof. Cohen et. al.’s construction gives a
much shorter normal form for line→equiv
private ~P : (i : I) → Type ℓ ~P = λ i → P (~ i) A B : Type ℓ A = P i0 B = P i1
The construction begins by giving the endpoints of P
– and the inverse of P
– better names. We do the same
for transports along P
and ~P
f : A → B f x = coe0→1 P x g : B → A g y = coe1→0 P y
Since f
defined by coercion
along a path, we can define fillers u
and v
connecting f
(resp g
) to the identity
function, over P
u : PathP (λ i → A → P i) id f u i x = coe0→i P i x v : PathP (λ i → B → P i) g id v i y = coe1→i P i y
To prove that f
is an equivalence, by
definition, it must have contractible fibres
. It suffices to
show that the fibre
y is inhabited, and that the fibre over y is a proposition
To prove that the fibre
is inhabited, we take g y
to be the
preimage, and prove that there is a path f (g y) ≡ y
, as we
are required to do. For this, we use the “lid” (the dotted face) of the
square below (this is the comp
hasFib : (y : B) → fibre f y hasFib y .fst = g y hasFib y .snd i = comp P (∂ i) λ where j (i = i1) → v j y j (i = i0) → u j (g y) j (j = i0) → g y
To prove that the fibre over y is propositional, there is
significantly more work involved. Especially since all of the paths
involved are dependent, and thus none of the path operations (especially
!) apply. We begin by
stating the types of what we’re going to construct:
fibProp : (y : B) → is-prop (fibre f y) fibProp y (x₀ , β₀) (x₁ , β₁) k = ω k , λ j → δ k (~ j) where ω : x₀ ≡ x₁ δ : Square refl (sym β₀) (sym β₁) (ap f ω)
While ω
is a
line, δ
is a
square. Namely, by looking at its type, we see that its
boundary is the square below. Observe that it is essentially a path
β₀ ≡ β₁
, lying over ω
, which is exactly what
we need to equate the fibres:
As an intermediate step in the construction of δ
, we construct θ
. However, that is also
hard to do directly, so we have four (really, two) more intermediate
steps: ω₀
and ω₁
The line ω₀
is the
dashed line in the composition below, and θ₀
is the square itself.
The type of θ₀
hard to look at, so focus on the diagram: It connects β₀
and ω₀
, in the vertical
square : ∀ (x : A) (β : f x ≡ y) j i → PartialP (∂ j ∨ ~ i) (λ _ → P (~ i)) square x β j i (j = i0) = v (~ i) y square x β j i (j = i1) = u (~ i) x square x β j i (i = i0) = β (~ j) ω₀ : g y ≡ x₀ ω₀ j = comp (λ i → P (~ i)) (∂ j) (square x₀ β₀ j) θ₀ : SquareP (λ i j → P (~ j)) (sym β₀) (λ i → v (~ i) y) (λ i → u (~ i) x₀) ω₀ θ₀ j i = fill ~P (∂ j) i (square x₀ β₀ j)
Analogously, we have ω₁
and θ₁
connecting β₁
and that, as the dashed line
and filler of the square below:
ω₁ : g y ≡ x₁ ω₁ j = comp (λ i → P (~ i)) (∂ j) (square x₁ β₁ j) θ₁ : SquareP (λ i j → P (~ j)) (sym β₁) (λ i → v (~ i) y) (λ i → u (~ i) x₁) ω₁ θ₁ j i = fill ~P (∂ j) i (square x₁ β₁ j)
Now, we are almost done. Like a magic trick, the paths
and ω₁
we constructed above to
aid in proving δ
assemble to give a
complete proof of ω
, as the dashed line in
the square below:
ω k = hcomp (∂ k) λ where j (k = i0) → ω₀ j j (k = i1) → ω₁ j j (j = i0) → g y θ : Square refl ω₀ ω₁ ω θ k i = hfill (∂ k) i λ where j (k = i0) → ω₀ j j (k = i1) → ω₁ j j (j = i0) → g y
We also have θ
, which is the filler of
the above square - i.e., it is a path connecting ω₀
. Now
we can finally assemble δ
. Since we are
constructing a square, we are filling a cube, i.e. a path of
paths of paths! The “full” face of this cube is given by θ
, which indicates the
boundaries of the other faces. The full cube is right after the
δ k j = comp P (∂ j ∨ ∂ k) λ where i (i = i0) → θ k j i (j = i0) → v i y i (j = i1) → u i (ω k) i (k = i0) → θ₀ j (~ i) i (k = i1) → θ₁ j (~ i)
The idea behind the diagram is to piece together the three squares we
have constructed, θ
, θ₀
and θ₁
, with the intent of
getting a composite β₀ ≡ β₁
. The purpleish square behind is
; The
brownish square in front is δ
. Finally, putting
together the proof of inhabitation
the proof of propositionality
we get the desired: f
is an equivalence.
line→is-equiv : is-equiv f line→is-equiv .is-eqv y .centre = hasFib y line→is-equiv .is-eqv y .paths = fibProp y _ line→equiv : A ≃ B line→equiv .fst = f line→equiv .snd = line→is-equiv
- Cohen, Cyril, Thierry Coquand, Simon Huber, and Anders Mörtberg. 2016. “Cubical Type Theory: A Constructive Interpretation of the Univalence Axiom.”