module 1Lab.Counterexamples.Sigma where
Σ is not ∃🔗
Defined normally, the image of a function is the subset of given by the elements for which there exists an element with In set theoretical notation:
It is a commonly held misunderstanding that when translating such a
definition into type theory, both subsets and existential quantifiers
should be read as specific cases of the dependent sum, Σ
- perhaps using “subset” to mean
for which the type family is valued in propositions”. Indeed, the first
projection out of these is an embedding, so this translation is accurate
for subsets.
However, let’s see what happens when we naïvely translate the definition of image above:
private variable ℓ : Level A B : Type ℓ image : (A → B) → Type _ image {A = A} {B = B} f = Σ[ y ∈ B ] Σ[ x ∈ A ] (f x ≡ y)
The definition above, which could be called “Curry-Howard image”, does not accurately represent the image of a function: independent of
image≃domain : {f : A → B} → image f ≃ A image≃domain {f = f} = Iso→Equiv the-iso where the-iso : Iso _ _ the-iso .fst (y , x , p) = x the-iso .snd .is-iso.inv x = f x , x , refl the-iso .snd .is-iso.rinv x = refl the-iso .snd .is-iso.linv (y , x , p) i = p i , x , λ j → p (i ∧ j)
This is a direct cubical interpretation of the following argument, which goes through in any theory with J1:
First, observe that we can reorder
Σ[ y ∈ B ] Σ[ x ∈ A ] (f x ≡ y)
intoΣ[ x ∈ A ] Σ[ y ∈ B ] (f x ≡ y)
. By path induction, the typeΣ[ y ∈ B ] (f x ≡ y)
is contractible (it is a singleton), leaving us with something isomorphic toΣ[ x ∈ A ] *
, which is evidently isomorphic toA
Hence we have, for example, that the “image” of the canonical
function Bool → ⊤
is isomorphic to Bool
ignore-bool : Bool → ⊤ ignore-bool _ = tt woops : image ignore-bool ≃ Bool woops = image≃domain
In fact, note that if we reorder
p i, x, λ j → p (i ∧ j)
we getx, p i, λ j → p (i ∧ j)
, which is exactly the proof term which establishes contractibility of singletons.↩︎