open import 1Lab.Reflection.Copattern
open import 1Lab.Reflection.Signature
open import 1Lab.Reflection

open import Cat.Prelude

open import Data.List.Base

import Cat.Functor.Compose

module Cat.Functor.Coherence where

open Cat.Functor.Compose public

    o  : Level
    C D E : Precategory o 
    f g h i : Functor C D

  _⊗_ = _F∘_
  infixr 30 _⊗_

  _⇒_ = _=>_
  infix 20 _⇒_

  {-# INLINE _⊗_ #-}
  {-# INLINE _⇒_ #-}

record Dualises {} (T : Type ) : Type where
    dualiser : Name

open Dualises

    :  {o  o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o } {D : Precategory o' ℓ'}
        {F G : Functor C D}
     Dualises (F => G)
  Dualises-nat-trans .dualiser = quote _=>_.op

  get-dual : Term  TC Name
  get-dual T = resetting do
    (mv , _)  new-meta' (def (quote Dualises) [ argN T ])
    (qn  [])  get-instances mv
      where _  typeError [ "Don't know how to dualise type " , termErr T ]
    unquoteTC =<< normalise (def (quote dualiser) [ argN qn ])

make-cohere :  {} {S : Type }  S  Term  TC 
make-cohere tm hole = do
  `tm  quoteTC tm
  `T  infer-type hole
  `R  repack-record `tm `T
  unify hole `R

make-dualise :  {} {S : Type }  S  Term  TC 
make-dualise tm hole = do
  `tm  quoteTC tm
  `T  infer-type hole
  dual  get-dual `T
  -- Repack using the duality lemma.
  `R  repack-record (def dual [ argN `tm ]) `T
  unify hole `R

  cohere!  = make-cohere
  dualise! = make-dualise

cohere-into :  { ℓ'} {S : Type ℓ'}  Name  (T : Type )  S  TC 
cohere-into nm T s = do
  `s  quoteTC s
  `T  quoteTC T
  make-copattern true nm `s `T

dualise-into :  { ℓ'} {S : Type ℓ'}  Name  (T : Type )   Dualises T   S  TC 
dualise-into nm T  dual  s = do
  `s  quoteTC s
  `T  quoteTC T
  make-copattern true nm (def (dual .dualiser) (argN `s  [])) `T

define-coherence : Name  TC 
define-coherence nm = define-eta-expansion nm

define-dualiser : Name  TC 
define-dualiser nm  = do
  tp  infer-type (def nm [])
  let (tele , cod-tp) = pi-view tp
  -- Find the appropriate duality lemma, and construct a copattern using that lemma.
  dual  in-context (reverse tele) (get-dual cod-tp)
  let tm = tel→lam tele (def dual (argN (var 0 [])  []))
  make-copattern false nm tm tp

nat-assoc-to     : f  g  h  i  f  (g  h)  i
nat-assoc-from   : f  g  h  i  (f  g)  h  i
nat-unassoc-to   : f  (g  h)  i  f  g  h  i
nat-unassoc-from : (f  g)  h  i  f  g  h  i
op-compose-into  : f  Functor.op (g  h)  f  Functor.op g  Functor.op h

unquoteDef nat-assoc-to nat-assoc-from nat-unassoc-to nat-unassoc-from op-compose-into = do
  define-eta-expansion nat-assoc-to
  define-eta-expansion nat-assoc-from
  define-eta-expansion nat-unassoc-to
  define-eta-expansion nat-unassoc-from
  define-eta-expansion op-compose-into